Jumaat, 4 April 2008

Yana got Married


This is Yana on her big day with her newly wed hubby. So guys, those whom unable to attend, this is a facility from me.

Last weekend was the final occasion. The wedding at her husband's place. Saturday nite, malam berinai and Sunday, another big day for them. Yana was happy but I know what she has to go through. Dun worry sis, it's a process in which every woman has to confront with. Remember what mak said : The moment you hold the title as a wife, there are a lot of things that you need to sacrifice, for the sake of the happy family. If you are able to swallow it, please do....if you can't swallow, share it with someone that you can trust. At the end, if you are really doing it sincerely, Insyaallah you'd find the happiness along the way.

I still have a lot to write about, but I'm really running out of time. I will find more time afterwards.

May everyone of you lead a happy life after this. Amiiinnnn.....

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