Jumaat, 25 Februari 2011

Soooo Selfish!!!

It's a very bright day...beautiful and warm. Pesimistically, it's a very hot and dry day. I am so disappointed, angry..no, I'm mad and suddenly I think I can search the killer instinct within myself. Why? Hmmmphhh....

There is this one person who wish to obtain lots and lots of benefit through threatening and blackmailing other people. This person manipulates all the sources that this person has from every aspects in life. What this person doesn't realize, (or this person actually knows but reluctant to take into count) that this person has affected and demoted many other souls around this person. I hate this person..so much!!

And I also hate the victims that this person manipulates because the victims falls into this person traps. The victims fulfill the selfishness and greedy crap that this person barks for. I hate the victims because they are also aligned with this person crazy, unethical and inhumane attacks.

I pray so hard everyday that I won't end up to be a killer : literally!

Astaghfirullah..Astaghfirullah.... C'mon mates...today is Friday.

What does father tells me every now and then?


It's not within our power and knowledge to judge anybody or anything...
It's not necessarily these people are bad...
It may be a punishment from Allah to us for the sins that we had committed...
Or it may just a simple test that Allah delivered to us, for us to strengthen our 'Aqidah and Akhlaq...


1 ulasan:

  1. cantik kan kak?akak klik je la banner dia...ader kat situ...ala syarat dia just letak banner dia kat tepi side bar n follow jer..tak susah pon hehhehehe

