Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

He Helped Me...Thank you


How's your weekends, readers? I hope you are all going through the weekend with lots of happiness.

However, I am about to do a confession. about the shopaholic because I'm not.

It's because of this handsome guy.... TOMMY PAGE.

He was famous during the 90's. I knew him from New Kids on The Block group. If you were born in 70's you surely heard about them. Friends and me has been under their spell back then. But I was not obsessed. Most of my friends were. Because of that interest, Tommy Page did invite a few NKOTB kids to be his back-up singers in his album and I straight away fell in love with his music, his soothing voice and definitely that cute face.

I bought his albums then and started to learn all of the songs. This was the part when he actually helped me.

I came from a kampung family back then (and still). My parents seldom talk English, so does my grandparents of course. It was tough for me to learn English especially in boarding school. No family can help me. Furthermore, children in my school were those coming from wealthy family. Not all, but most of them. They have no problem in English. There was 6  level (level 1 was the highest) of English classes during that time and I was about to sit for the SRP (PMR) exam. I came to Level 5. It was that bad. I do not even know how to pronounce sentence, let alone all the grammars.

So, these songs of Tommy Page made me started to be a best friend of a bilingual dictionary. I learnt bit by bit about English with interest so that I could understand the songs. And from songs, it was upgraded to magazine, and soon I was reading English novel!

Now, though I am still not excellent in English, but I managed to understand those Mat Saleh people's talk whenever they call me or attend a meeting with me. Grammar? Don't ask..still hancur.

A few people borrowed his album from me and it had became a history. I have been searching for his cds, but what I've found were only compilations. I'll keep searching. Owh yes, My SRP English result was a shockingly good credit that even my teachers couldn't believe that, let alone my family. I excell in my SPM as well for English paper.

I know, it was me and my hardwork (bluek) actually, but he was the one who drove me to English.

So, what about you guys? Who helped you in a way or two..?

6 ulasan:

  1. Time tu angau dengar suara dia. . Lemah gemalai aje alahai. . . Time tu suka sgt lagu 'A Shoulder To Cry On'

  2. sempat la kejap kenal dia..dia ada duet dgn amy mastura sekejap kan..huhu..memg tgok muka je..lagu dia tak tau langsung..hahaha

  3. wah, ur english is not so bad..... =)

  4. Rahmah : Uishh...angau yang amat...

  5. Nora : Tepatt sekali.. Tp lagu duet tu kurang romantik sket la...

  6. Suhami : Not so bad ecause it's very bad..huhuhu
