Selasa, 15 November 2011

No More...!


I am terribly furious today! Hins..hinss...huff puff....

My lovely adorable (uweekk) and yet the poison of my blood called. He was telling me his position in the final exam he sat recently.

He said, the class teacher said he is at No. 12. Whattt??!!!!!!! This is terribly bad because I know he can do lottttts better than that and he did prove it from the past exams.

Owh yesssss...

I know why he collected that 2 digits number.

1. He didn't do enough revision.
2. He studied last minute.
3. He didn't finish answering question in his workbooks
4. He plays a lot. Every evening will be soccer hours with friends and relatives, even during the exam weeks. Thus, he got tired and fell of asleep without doing the revisions.
5. He lives with cartoons!


Oh yess.....

The punishments...!

1. He will be allowed to watch cartoons only when I tell him so. Thus, all the cartoon channels in that Asterok will be blocked! ( I love blockings the cartoon channels)
2. No more new toys. He has been asking an expensive toy from me. The long gun of Nerf. Oh yes... definitely it will be cancelled.
3. He CANNOT say no when he has to finish the exercises syllabus.
4. He has to limit the soccer hours during the study week and exam week.
5. No more : Ala kejap lagi la mama, nanti Adam buatlah, kalau buat separuh pun boleh juga, cikgu belum ajar lagi and all other sorts of complaints and whining.
6. No holiday requests will be fulfilled until he make up the marks next year.

And yes, I have spelled out clearly to him : either you do as I said, OR my hands will do the 'talkings' to his body parts. Yes..I am a fierce mom because I think he thought he is the only child so he will be pampered all the way long. NO he won't!

So, my final saying in the phone was : Nanti kita kena shopping buku banyak2, more than ever this time!
And this poison of blood and saviour of my soul said : Nak shopping kat kedai mana? shopping has to be at selected store meh..?

Owhh..despite all the warnings and scoldings, I still got the muah..muahh from him. He still asked me : Mama balik PD x today...or tomorrow?

He misses me..owh yeahh... :)

12 ulasan:

  1. hehe..macam mana pun tu lah buah hati pengarang jantung kan..

  2. hikhikhik...mummy becoming and transforming to an Incredible Hulk nak kasi denda anak...hikhikhik :)

  3. Rai : Itulah cabaran utama dealing masalah dengan anak tunggal nie.. Sayang tu overwrite punishments...hehehhee

  4. seorang ibu yang baik dalam mendidik anak2.. semoga anak2 akan membesar dengan kejayaan.. (",)

  5. haha..suka dgn " he lives with cartoon"..sama jugakla bebudak kat umah nih..celik mata kartun sampai tutup mata balik..haisshh..

  6. heheheh.. kita pon suka block cartoon channel for my niece n nephew..kekekeke

  7. Gen2Merah : Amiin, terima kasih cikgu. Tp saya sebenarnya masih mencuba untuk menjadi seorang ibu yang baik.

  8. che mid : Salam kenal kembali. Tq yer singgah.

  9. CB : Seronok kan bila keluar tanduk tu..nyeh..,nyehh... di samping konon niat suci soh belajar, tersirat niat tak nak dia conquer tv sbb kita plak nak gila kuasa pd remote..hehehhe
