Isnin, 5 Disember 2011

Birthday Dinner Mak


A couple of weeks ago, mak celebrated her 60++ birthday. So, hubby decided to call up our family for a dinner. We had the the dinner at the Restoran Nasi Arab Damsyik. I did put up an entry about the food and the restaurant HERE.

This is my parents' and siblings' first experience here. It's nice. Everybody said that the dishes were so good. And to add up, the whole family gathered together. It's not easy to gather everybody in our family in single occasion because all of us have our own commitment with many other things. Even Hari Raya would be difficult to meet each other in one time.

Anyway, my brother bought the SR cake for mak. We are not the cake lovers, but hubby is. He ate the biggest portion I think and mak kept on encouraging hubby to eat the cake. Sayang nanti tak habis, : she said.

Let's roll the pictures....

Mak and Adam, Ida, my youngest sister, and Yana the 2nd last out of 4.

Adam and his best friend in soccer and wrestling : Atuk...

I have to keep on giving instructions to mak to smile while she cuts the cake because she's not used to be photographed. I said, I'm going to put up her smiling face pictures in my blog, thus she must smile. And she did. See... hehehehe

This is Ida with our loveable Mia Sara. She's the youngest and the smallest, thus everyone in the family will always pushed each other to grab her first.. girl..

I think, the dinner was a success. Everyone was happy. And all of us, except Ida went back to PD and continue the enjoyment there. We went to the karaoke session at PD Getaway. It was the 5years old Adlina's first experience, but enjoys the singing and songs and the gathering which made her stayed with us until the finishing line..hehehhe. Adam was waiting for her his recently crazied song of Pokok by Hazama, but that center didn't have the song in the list. Lastly, he redeem the disappointment with the song of Lemon Tree. Pokok juga kan..hahahaha...

I wish we could have this kind of happiness ever lasting long... Amiinn...

2 ulasan:

  1. Wahh...bestnyer makan arabian fud. Tambah makan dengan all the family members... :)
