Khamis, 1 Disember 2011



As known, I rent a house in KL for my stay during weekdays and weekends I'll be all around in Malacca, Kuantan and N9. However, this house in KL is sort of 'hotel' to me. Merely for me to sleep and change for tomorrow's working day. Sometimes, I arrived quite late at nite and fell asleep without manage to finish 1 whole movie.

To add things up, some period of times, that house will be left empty for days and even weeks due to my travelling daily from Malacca, PD or even Kuantan. So, this Astro and tv in this KL house will be kept silent all the time.

Recently I found that paying 3 accounts Astro bill every month is quite burdening, especially when it's being left wasted in that house. I have been thinking for a few months to close the KL's account, but I kept pending the action. Owh yes.... I am fully responsible for 3 accounts! 1 for me in KL, 1 for our family during weekends in Malacca and 1 more, I'm paying for my parents and child in PD.

However, I pushed myself to call up ASTRO last nite and successfully closed the account. Within 1 hour, the tv was blank. Fine. I get to sleep and I get to read some Twilight series books. Owhh.. I don't mind repeating reading books that interest me. I enjoyed it much more rather than flipping channels all night long.

This weekend, I'll go to the service center and return the smart card to them.

But hey..! I have 1 more account which is left unattended during weekdays. Ha..whenever I miss you, Astro, I'll bring over the smart card from Malacca to KL. I still have the decoder and dish in tact. No problem. Luckily I was intelligent enough not to upgrade to Beyond, or else the smart card can't be transported...

I feel glad I managed to live without Astro. At least for myself...

2 ulasan:

  1. dulu weols ada 2 account ASTRO seratus lebey gak sbln nak membayar...akak ada 3 plak hahaha jenuh SUQ duwet kat theyols...bkn tgk sgt khen,dah la citer byk ulang!

  2. yelah, baik say bye2 je pd astro tu. lagipun jrg tengok n jadi membazir pulak.....kt rumah nza pn suami sorg je rajin layan. tu pn astro awani..anak2 suka lepak2 kt ruang belkang...depa layan je tv3......
