Khamis, 28 Jun 2012

Adam's Birthday Dinner


Adam turns 10 on 9th June 2012.

Owh, my boy is growing so fast.

He doesn't perceive himself as a boy anymore, he sees him as a man. He protects people he loves, he acts matured, he's developing his sense of responsibilities and he has objective in his life.

I have only 1 child and he is Adam. Sometimes I want to have the freedom to have the proud feeling of having him as my son, but yet I am so damn afraid that those will be taken from me. Allah is The Most Mighty, with the order of Kun Fa Ya Kun, anything can happenned.

But for all, Alhamdulillah, we have been given this far to cherish the love of our half....

Anyway, for the celebration, we had a simple dinner at pizza hut. No birthday cake because Adam doesn't fancy cakes so much.

Adam and Firdaus

Happy face, happy tummy

Island Supreme

Chicken Steak Grill, or something like that..

Adam finished his favourite bowl of lasagna

Hows this...?

Does he looks like me? NO? Yeah...realized that. Sigh...

5 ulasan:

  1. happy belated bufday to adam kun
    be gud boy to ur mom & dad ok
    hope ur dreams come true IA...
    oishii sou tgk menu tue kaka @.@

  2. happy belated birthday to adam.. memang sebiji sama macam rupa akak.. hehe..

  3. Happy belated birthday a good and brave boy..anty Rahmah hardly sure that ur mommy was a very proud and happy mommy as u grew and becoming a matured and independent boy.

    Hope that u will success and be blessed by ALLAH S.W.T.

    p/s: awak saya ada tag awak..sudi-sudikanlah bersama-sama ye....

  4. Ada la iras-iras sikit hehehe....

    Happy Belated Birthday to Adam!!! May Allah bless him with health and wealth always hehehehe....syukur alhamdulillah he has grown up to be a man hehehe

  5. Thank you all for the wishes. Kalau tengok in real, most people say sama dengan hubby.
