Khamis, 4 Oktober 2012

Movie Review : Dredd


Me and hubby grab the chance to watch this 18 rated movie a few weeks ago. Since Adam was not with us, we went for a date. Hahaha... What? A date is essential though you have been married to each other for your life time. Sometimes, a date without kids could spark the romance... Ok, I'm drifting out of topic.

Judge Dredd

I've never heard, read or even known what is Dredd, or who is Dredd. But that ticket counter boy recommended this movie, we gave it a shot. Hubby is on the right track. He's after the action thriller movies, so he did enjoy the whole movie.

Basically Dredd is a character in a comic book about the future imaginary world. Justice and laws are relying totally to the selected and elected judges whom will judge the offenders there and then and punish them there and then.

In this movie, it is about the famous Judge Dredd is trying to assess a new elected judge named Anderson whom happenned to be has a unique psychic power. Thanx to the mutation.

First assignment, they went to investigate a homicide case in which later on brought them deeper into bigger problem. They have to face the Ma-Ma clan. The most powerful and merciness clan in drugs bussiness.

So, the rest of the movie is about their fights, their survival, the fresh bloods, the guns and modern technology weapons. I do not really fond of this type movie. It's dark. I don't like the darkness. I like fairytales romance.

However, to be fair just like Dredd, it is a good entertaining movie.

Dredd and Anderson

5 ulasan:

  1. buleh la nak pegi tgk..heheeh..btw setuju dgn kata-kata akak ni : A date is essential though you have been married to each other for your life time. Sometimes, a date without kids could spark the romance... Ok, I'm drifting out of topic.

    okey nak ajak dia dating la!hehehe..

  2. xtgk lg
    tapi cm tak ske sngt cite gni

  3. alamak..lama tak detim ngan my husband..sbb diorang kecik lagi tak sampai hati nak tinggalkan..dah la tinggal nak pegi keja kan..

    cite ni 3d eh?

    hehe..orang pompuan biasa la.. tak suka sangat cerita ganas2..

  4. saya dah lama tak tgk wayang, sejak ada anak kecil ..~haha...Tgh cari waktu yg sesuai utk dating :P

  5. Mrs Eady : Kena semarakkan rasa kan...

    Iffah : Tak suka jgn tgk tau, nnt nyesal..hehehhehe

    Rai : Tak apa, nnt2 adalah masa tu. Insyaallah. Tp x semua pompuan x suka. Kengkawan akak masa study dulu semuaaaaa suka tgk citer macam nie. Sadis kan.

    Daddy Ziyad : Waktu itu akan tiba, doc. By the way, tq so much sudi singgah sini.
