Jumaat, 29 Mac 2013

Weekend Get-away : Kong Kong Masai, We're Coming!


Salam Jumaat everybody.

It's Friday and weekend is just a few hours away from now. The school holiday is going to end this weekend. And we (me and family) has been planning a short trip for a soul therapy.

Yeap...! We are going to Kong Kong in Masai, Johor. Not Hong Kong and not even King Kong ehh! It's Kong Kong. Search the Google Maps, friends.

It's not going to be a luxury holiday. It's a back to nature holiday. The main purpose for this trip is fishing. Yeap, hubby, Ayah, my brother and even my son, Adam love fishing so much. But not yet the die-hard fan category. It's the middle class die-hard fan. Errr, hope you can understand that.

Hubby found a spot in Masai from a blog. The entry is HERE. It's a very basic homestay, but with a good package for fish hunters. So, we decided to give this a try.

Part of us will start the journey early morning tomorrow, but me and hubby will have to fetch my sister from her workplace at noon tomorrow. So, we are going to arrive later.

Insya Allah I will review the place and the trip next week. Please du'a for a safe and happy journey for us.

See you all later...

P/S : Among my favourite novels, Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia by Zura Asyfar will make it's debut for serial drama tonight. Zehra slot in TV3, at 9.00 pm tonight. Don't forget to watch it.


9 ulasan:

  1. Tak sabar nak nonton malam ni..hihih..tq awak for the info..saya selalu tertinggal ketapi LAMBAT

  2. Kak...kong kong di pasir gudang...tempat saya tu...tapi saya kat putrajaya skrg....tengok belon...

  3. kong kong? never heard of it be4..sure it'll be a lovely place wit lots of fish..hehe...

    btw i folo u :)

  4. ada soalan kertas bahasa jawa 3 dan 4. Hadiah kali ni sgt lumayan.try sis

  5. Ram ram Cute : Saya dah tertinggal...uwaaa!

  6. Zuraidah Butang : It's a place for fishing lovers. Oklah...untuk lepas gian.

  7. TA : Bila tarikh tutup ya, TA?

