Isnin, 13 Mei 2013

Happy Mothers Day, Happy Nurses Day and Happy Birthday.


12th May 2013, Sunday.

It was yesterday. Pardon me for the late entry, but I feel obliged to write something for this day.

We celebrated those 3 occasions back in Port Dickson with my family. We have 3 mothers and 1 mother to be in the house, we have 2 nurses which are my mom herself and my sister Yana and we have 1 birthday lady which is Yana as well. Yeap, we didn't know that she was born on the Nurses Day many years ago. She studied engineering, scored highest mark in the faculty, brought back the best student award, but at the end she finished her race as a dedicated nurse.

To all of the people involved above, including all of you out there....

May your dreams come true.

8 ulasan:

  1. And my wish to you too Ziela. Happy Mothers Day..

  2. Kalau dah rezekinya di bidang nursing..belajar engineering, tetap jadi nurse...Happy nurse day pada your sis...happy birthday to her too...and happy mother's day to all of u ;)

  3. selamat hari ibu... walaupun terlewat boleh ucapkan lagikan...

  4. HMD to too kaka
    meriahnyer dengaq....3 in 1 gituew

  5. wah, smbutan 3 in 1 la ni ye,.semoga semuanya dibawah rahmat n kasih syg Allah....

  6. Hello Aziela, for a moment thought you have 3 mothers, ha ha...
    A bit late but happy mother's day all of you. And many happy returns of the day to Yana.
    You have fun, keep well and simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
