Well.... it happenned on 9th June. Had been almost 3 weeks already..hahahahaha.
Pity Adam. We didn't organize a birthday party for him due to my illness. But his uncle and aunt came all the way to Malacca and brought a birthday cake for him. I was still hospitalized that day but luckily has managed to secured a single room a few hours before that.
The birthday cake....
Tq Abang Ngah and family.
Eh, which one the patient?
Happy face
Owh...hubby was enjoying the moment.
I wonder...did he realized that he was not the patient? Hahahahha
Abang Ngah and Yana came. Yana sponsored the cake. Thank you kak....
They brought many other foods from mamak restaurant in MITC area. Furthermore, a few food containers full with delicacies with love from mak in PD. Yummmm!
Of course I can't eat much and I didn't. But the satisfaction shown by Adam has really blew my regrets away. Pity my boy. He has to take care of me on his happy day. But he didn't complaint. Not even once. I am so blessed having him. May Allah bless him with rahmah through out his life. Amiin.
But, me and hubby had presented him a short vacation few weeks earlier for his birthday. So, at least it was done. Alhamdulillah.
Adam slept on the couch in ward. He really didn't complaint and he slept soundly.
Oh...my baby has grow up. He is a man now...sob..sob....
moga cepat sembuh hendakNYA..
BalasPadamwalaupun dapat raikan di hospital tapi tetap meninggalkan kenangan yang indah kan.. ;)
Sanah helwa ya habibi..
BalasPadamSemoga menjadi anak yang soleh.. sihat tubuh badan, panjang umur, murah rezeki, terpelihara adab dan sopannya serta semoga dilindungi oleh-Nya dunia & akhirat.
Salam kak....
BalasPadamOff topic jap...
Pasal aduan tu kan... AJ takde hitam putih...
Macam mana ek???
Selamat hari jadi...
BalasPadamAizamia : Terima kasih atas ingatan dan ucapan.
BalasPadamShamsiah Abdul Rahmah : Syukran Jazilan Ya Ukhti. Amiin Ya Rabbal Al Amin.
BalasPadamAyu Jean : Pergi dulu ke pejabat2 yang akak nyatakan tu... bawak jer apa yang ada and mereka akan advise AJ untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Oh yer... at least, AJ sediakan kronologi kisah AJ hingga jadi macam tu. Tapilah elok2. Dari berapa hb ke tarikh bila..jadi apa, tarikh itu pukul berapa, Talam cakap apa...SV n manager ckp apa, tindakan apa... Tapi in detail untuk bantu siasatan.
BalasPadamKak, AJ ade email akak.....
BalasPadamComelnya cake adam!!
BalasPadamsemoga cepat sembuh :)
BalasPadamat least there's someboby cheering up your stay in the hospital .
BalasPadamgiving some sweet moment instead of the dull and bitter medicine ..
since fully recovered, stay healthy friend ..
Salam ziela..lama ummi tak singgah, hingga tak tau Ziela hospitalized.
BalasPadamApakhabar? Harap Ziela dah kebali pulih sepenuhnya.
Alhamdulillah, sejuk hati tengok Adam menunggu Ziela, sejuk perut ibu mengandung, anak soleh insyaAllah.
la nape masuk spital?
BalasPadamsemoga cepat sembuh
walau kat spital tetap meriah kan, ramai gak yg dtg
kita yang sakit ni pun rasa ceria aje kalau cam ni
Happy belated birthday Adam !!!!!
BalasPadamjadi anak yg soleh ya....
Syiok betul hubby landing atas katil...ekekekekekek
salam Kak Aziela,
BalasPadammaaf la bulan lepas sibuk sangat pasal pindah rumah and hubby plak ke melbourne... sambung plak this week exam... tak tau akak msk spital... sakit apa kak? smg cpt smbh dgn rahmatNya...
Akak...macam macam yang berlaku dalam kehidupan akak sekarang ni kan....tapi yang penting akak masih mampu mengukir senyuman dan tabah....