Selasa, 6 Ogos 2013

Happy Birthday, Sayang


Alhamdulillah, we have reached the second last day of Ramadhan. The day after tomorrow will be Hari Raya Aidilfitri for us.

And today is the birthday for hubby. I wished him this morning and he smiled happily. Yeap...I remember his birthday, hahahahahah.

No celebrations, no gifts, no cakes. It will be postponed. The celebrations and cakes will be on the first raya itself. We will be at Mommy's house this year, so it will be a perfect timing for him to celebrate it with all the family members. Have to wait for uncles and aunties to arrive first, of course.

To hubby,

May you receive all the happiness in the world.
May your future be brighter than ever.
May your love for Allah, family and friends grows.
May your love being returned with beauty and grace.

Happy birthday.


7 ulasan:

  1. amin...hepi birthday utk asben sambut hari istimewa bersama org tersayang kan kak..

  2. Moga panjang umur dan sihat dalam menjalani kehidupan seharian.

  3. Selamat hari jadi untuk abang.

    Selamat menyambut hari raya
    untuk Aziela sekeluarga.

    Semoga Syawal tahun ini
    lebih meriah dan lebih bermakna.

    Terima kasih atas persahabatan.

  4. @Rozita Selagi masih berpeluang, kan Ita

  5. @zouldahan Err, terima kasih atas semua di atas? Tapi yer...terima kasih di atas persahabatan ini. Ohh..saya dah syahdu ni, Doc.

  6. Alhamdulillah...kirim salam kat your hubby! Happy Belated :)
