Jumaat, 7 Februari 2014

Back to Gym... Yess!!


Thank you blog....thank you blog....

Hubby reads my entries and he finally understand that I need a new pair of shoe.

So, he asked me to chose, but being grateful, I decided to find the cheapest shoe in store so that I can frequently change the shoe and get to buy new design each time. Hahahahha. I like the color, though. Feel comfortable in it. Very light and kind of motivates me to go to gym.

My gym time is actually only once a week. Hahahaha...nothing to shout about. But at least, beside the house chores and daily walking of 20 minutes, this gym activities could slowly add up the amount of calories burnt.

Oh, thank you husband. I love you....... cat.


10 ulasan:

  1. heheh dulu akak camtu la. Bila ditanya, akak pilih yg murah2 jer, konon taknak nyusahkan dan bukan mata duitan. Skrg nyesal hahaha....

  2. yay.. kak. you really firing up my semangat la. i nak sapu-sapu dust yang ada kat stationary bike kat rumah tu. tak nak la jadi tempat gantung hanger baju aje. hahaha.

  3. Bestkan ..... ada org mengabulkan seruan hati .......

  4. selamat bergym....ntah bila saya nak pi gym ni kasi exercise sket!
    memanjang hangat2 taik ayam tau saya ni!

  5. Sejak anak dah mula sekolah ni, takde masa nak berjogging.. nak dapatkan balik stamina yang semakin pupus ni makan masa.. huhuhu..

  6. @Queenie Ala, I have to changelah nie yer Kak Q?

  7. @elly nadyra Elly, cukup2lah tu Elly. Yang aktiviti harian tu pun dah lebih dari gym dah. Seram akak.

