Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

English Class (Kelas Bahasa Inggeris)


Since my english language is far from good, the company has decided that I should be enrolled in the English class. Not only me, but all the first and second level of management employees in my company are included too. Hehehehehe. Happenned to be that almost all of us are about at the same level, except mine is a bit lower than them... sob..sob.

Our teacher, Miss Martha in action. No, she's not Martha Steward. 

But that's fine. At least I've been given opportunity to improve my level. Yes! Let's do it, girl!

So, our class from British Council is a 30 hours course. We break it down to Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 hours each session.

So, does this entry answered a few questions for why I have been writing in English frequently and why did I wrote 2 versions? Well, practice makes perfect.

I hope this practice won't stop and I hope I can improve my English.

Why do I need to improve my English?

Well, from all of the reasons, i am being driven by my son. If I want him to excel in his study and English, I need to equip myself with the skill first before I could teach him to be a better person.

Wait, don't I have a homework to do? Oh no...! I need to do my homework..!!!!

Versi Bahasa Melayu

Disebabkan tahap BI kita agak menyedihkan, pihak syarikat telah memutuskan yang kita kena masuk kelas Bahasa Inggeris. Bukan kita jer lah, semua level 1 dan 2 pengurusan kena join sekali. Dah kami pun sama2 level juga...heheheheheh. Cuma kita punya level ke bawah sikit dari mereka.

Tapi tak apa. Syukur alhamdulillah sebab kita berpeluang untuk memajukan diri. *Chaiyok!*

Kelas ni 30 jam semuanya, tapi kami pecahkan kepada 2 jam setiap sesi. Setiap Selasa dan Khamis.

Jadi, menjawab tak persoalan sesetengah kawan yang bertanya? Lagipun, kita rasa terpanggil untuk belajar sebab kita dok push Adam untuk jadi pandai. Tapi mamanya sendiri tak tunjukkan contoh yang baik kan? Sekarang, bila weekend, bila kongsi nota dan boleh belajar sama2 dengan Adam. Nak dia jadi pandai, mama kena pandai dulu untuk jadi guru peribadi dia kan....

Kejap...rasanya ada homework la. Petang ni ada kelas pula tu. Kena siapkan homework dulu....!


9 ulasan:

  1. wahh bertuah akak ...siap ade kelas bi hah...ishh mmg best mcm nie...dpt improve sambil tu boleh curahkan pada anak2 plak....good luck kak...makin mantop laa skill bi akak nanti....

  2. bestnya company akak~~!! wish kami pun ada sediakan course bahasa inggeris macam ni.. sangat sangat perlu menajamkan english saya.. customer service tapi tahap memalukan.. haha

  3. bagusnya syarikat aziela yg begitu komited nk majukan staf tu....akak pernah dihantar brkursus BI masa PPSMI diperkenalkan sbb guru2 yg mengajar wajib hadir...p kursus kami byk aktiviti bebas dr belajar...he3x....

  4. oic.

    weel done.
    good girl.

    samelah.. even dah keje 4~5 tahun tak jugak fasih bi. Kalau customer oversea dtg..lanyak je..janji aku faham,ko faham.. ha..ha.. mostly deal nga customer jepun, korea, thailand..sama level jgk bi nya.
    asyik duk dok faham wat u talking abot..hi

  5. Masa kakak sekolah dulu kami yg tak sama bangsa memang berkomunikasi dgn bahasa inggeris - kakak kerja juga 100% berbahasa inggeris. Dah tua ni oklah juga tambahan pulak bapak kakak pun boleh juga tau jgn tak tahu. Keluarga kakak pulak kan S'porean (bapak aje M'sian) so BI dah jadi 3rd language sebab BM dan jawa 1st & 2nd language kami hihi...

  6. Sikit tip utk tingkatkan BI..
    Tgk tv jgn onkan subtitles.
    Listen to,music,songs
    Read books,articles in BI.Never mind if you dont fully understand word by word...just get the gist of it.
    Dont be shy to communicate whatever your standard of English is...PRA office makcik lebih hebat berBI kerana dia rodong saja bercakap BI dgn orang...

    makcik pun berterabur bila guna BI.

  7. Kak, I really am being supportive for you to write in 2 versions. Since English is in the upper paragraph, so I don't bother to read the second part of the paragraph, hehehe.

    Keep up the good work kak! By the way, if your tutor is Martha Steward, don't forget to ask her tips on cooking.

