Rabu, 26 Mac 2014

Rekito The Savior


Remember my WW's picture this morning?

Yeap, it's Rekito. Introduced by my officemate and since then I will make sure to have it in hand.

My parents' house, a.k.a. my hometown, my kampung is in Port Dickson, but not by the seaside. The house is residing among the trees and bushes. Well, to be specific, a rubber tree area. It's not an estate, just a small 2 acres of land filled with rubber trees. Besides, villagers like my parents plant a few other trees such as mangosteen trees, banana trees, rambutan, durian and many others.

So, no matter what the weather, cold or warm, freezing or windy...the mosquitoes will always be around us. Besides, a village house is not fully covered like a town house. A village house has a lot of holes and airways for ventilation. Airways and holes means doors for mosquitoes.

My father and family had been using many types of insect repellents. The mosquito coil, the sprays, the electric type, the fan type and many others but it didn't really solve the problem. Those repellents will last for a few hours and their effects do not cover the whole area. Unless you crawl under the bed every night in each room to spray the mosquito and make sure to flip over the mattress as well.

Furthermore, the smell...urrghhhh! It is disturbing. Seriously!

Rai suggested us to use cloves and lemon. We tried. Not success.

Once I got to know about Rekito, I rushed to the nearby supermarket and found the Pureen counter. Bought one and use it that night for me and my 2 months old baby nephew and of course for my son, 12 years old Adam as well.

And yeap, we slept soundly that night, without helps from any other repellents.

Rekito is meant for baby, but it works fine for adults as well. You just need to spray it on your exposed skin and rub it thoroughly. One pinch of spray could cover a wide area. It's not oily, it's not sticky and the smell is so nice. It's a type of flower fragrance. And yes, this Rikito is derived from a type of flower.

So now, I keep one in my handbag. You know when sometimes you want to have meal at a place filled with plants, Rekito will shelter you from mosquitoes bites. And, whenever I accompany hubby for fishing, I will bring this too.

Oh, this is not and advertorial entry. Nobody paying me for this (how I wish..), but it's my pure intentions to share some tips with all of you.


8 ulasan:

  1. Never seen this product before.

    Kakak used mopiko Ziela..

  2. Makchaq pun biasa guna mosquito repellent and patch jugak siang/petang2, tapi kalau tido still prefer mosquito net. Kat putrajaya ni pun guna mosquito net.. kampungan ek...

  3. @Kakzakie Isn't Mopiko's usage is after being bitten, kakak?

  4. @makchaq Wah....mesti nyaman jer guna net kan Mak Chaq. Masalahnya, saya tak berapa rajin kemaih...hehehehehe

