Rabu, 19 Mac 2014

Side Mirror Kereta Yang Berderai (The Shattered Car's Side Mirror)


Dah tengok gambar WW pagi tadi?

Insiden yang berlaku beberapa minggu lalu di PD. Masa tu ada sambutan Hari Tentera, jadi PD tersangatlah sibuknya. Perjalanan dari rumah ke bandar yang biasanya 10 minit pun jadi berjam2. Sebagai penduduk tempatan, kami agak beruntung sebab tahu tentang jalan dalam. Walaupun agak jauh sedikit, tapi sekurang2nya tak lah tersangkut berjam2. Kebetulan pula jadual Adam memang agak padat dengan kelas tusyennya di hujung minggu. So mama nya ni memang harus cekap menguruskan jadual. Lagipun, hubby tak balik masa tu. Hubby ada di Kuantan.

Semasa melalui salah satu jalan yang kecil, kita memandu dengan perlahan. Sama dengan pemandu lain. Jalan tu memang ngam2 jer untuk 2 buah kereta berselisih. Kat sesetengah bahagian, ada yang kena ambil side sikit terkeluar dari jalan tar. Tapi ok jer, masing2 memahami.

Cuma, ada sorang malaun ni tak faham bahasa! Dia di tengah2 di antara kereta2 lain di depan dan belakang dia. Sama dengan kita. Tapi dia ni kelam kabut sebab nak dekat dengan kereta depan dia yang tiba2 agak laju sikit. Agaknya dia kelam kabut, dia terlepas stering dia. Kebetulan berselisih dengan kereta kita. Berdentam dia langgar side mirror. Berderai kaca2. Kita perlahankan kereta, nak cuba tengok sama ada dia berhenti atau tak. Keadaan jalan side kita tak ada ruang untuk berhenti, jadi kita ingat nak berhenti kat depan sikit. Tapi tak ada maknanya... Dia lagi laju menonong drive ke depan...lepas tu hilang lepas selekoh.

Geram betulll!

Terkejut, takut..sampai menggigil. Tapi bila tengok Adam, kita terus jadi kuat. Nak jadi pelindung kepada anak, ibunya harus kuat.

Mujurlah kaca tu tak pecahkan cermin tingkap. Mujurlah kita tutup tingkap sebab buka air cond.

Lepas hantar Adam, terus kita pergi workshop. Membazir masa dan duit untuk perkara yang tak perlu.

Tapi bila di ingat semula, itu bukan apa2 kalau nak dibandingkan dengan keselamatan Adam.

Syukur, Alhamdulillah.

Untuk malaun tu.... eisshhh, tak tau nak cakaplah!

English Version

I am referring to the the WW's picture that I've posted this morning.

That incident happened a few weeks ago back in Port Dickson. It was a busy day for the town. The army were celebrating the Hari Tentera. Thus, traffic was extremely heavy and it will take hours for us to reach the town in which it takes only 10 minutes on the normal day.

Being a local people, I used all the smaller alternative roads in order for me to get Adam to all of his tuition classes on time. Apparently, I was not the only one who used the roads. Almost all of the locals took the same route as well. It was when I drove slowly on one of the road that I met with this rascal driver. Grrrr.... There were many other cars in front and behind me in line, and there were a long line of cars too on the other side of the road. But that particular rascal drove in a hurry, trying to close the gap between him and the car in front of him, slipped his grip from his steering and smashed my side mirror.

It was a loud shattering sounds and took me and Adam in great shock. I slowed down my car and turn to see whether that rascal intended to stop at the roadside and talked about that. But no, he didn't stop. In fact, he drove his car faster and disappear around the corner to escape from me.

I got mad. But I felt terrified as well. I shivered a bit but remain strong to protect my son. Luckily the shattered mirror didn't break our windows and windscreen. Luckily, I closed my window to enjoy the chill air from the air conditioner.

I sent Adam to his class and drove straight to the workshop to replace the mirror. It took a few unnecessary hours and some valuable money to be wasted on that unnecessary repair.

But thinking about it, I value my son's safety the most. It could be worse.


10 ulasan:

  1. tak sempat ambik plet no nya ke?

    tak apa lah..dah tiada rezeki...
    ada hikmah nya

  2. uhh.....kenapa manusia begitu...?

    ape pun syukur semua tak ape-ape terutama adam!

  3. lama tak BW..baru perasan yg aku punya entry ada 2 version..bagusnya..rajin akak..

    apapun mujur akak dan adam selamat..alhamdulillah..

  4. alhamdulillah akak dengan adam tak apa apa...

    mmg geram jenis orang macam tu kak.. walau pun saya tak drive tapi husband selalu bebel sbb spesis yg tak sabar gitu..

  5. harus bersyukur sbb kemalangan tu tidak melibatkan fisikal, cuma poket kempis sket ..
    klu aby mencelah celah masa ride ..
    paling di takuti adalah terkena cermin sisi kereta org

  6. Tak kan org tu tak perasan yg dia dah langgar side mirror org lain?? Ish..menguji kesabaran.
    Takpe, insya Allah ada rezeki lain tu..

  7. Sis, do you prepared a water bottle in your car?

    I always have. My mum always told us to drink some plain water whenever we have a shock situation such yours.

    It really help to calm us down.

  8. @Daddy Ziyyad Tak sempat langsung. Dengan jalan sempit, kereta banyak, cermin pecah dan menggigilnya...

  9. Duit jugak keluar tu...memang betul orang tu...

