Jumaat, 23 Mei 2014

Education Industry in Malaysia From The Perspective of A Wise Man


I have been following Pakcik Hassan's blog for some time already. I like his wisdom. I like his aspects of seeing life from a different angle. I like the moments that Pak Cik shares in his blog.

Recently Pak Cik shared his thought about the education industry in Malaysia. And I am glad that Pak Cik's opinion initiated a larger aspect of discussion. Thus, I would like to share it with you, so that I can pull in more opinions and maybe suggestions.

Good news - how to save billions!

That came out last Sunday in the Star. A high-powered government spokesman said that “research universities which produced PhD had saved almost RM2 bil so far.” So why should we spend money sending our candidates to universities overseas?  When referred to the absence of Malaysian public universities in the prestigiousTimes Higher Education 100 Under 50 2014the answer was, “Rankings do not mean everything……”. Of course all such spokesmen talk about our universities as nothing less than ‘taraf antara bangsa’ ! But, sad to say, industries in Malaysia find our graduates badly lacking, resulting in increasing number of jobless graduates. Now our politicians are mass-producing Ph D holders to sell kacang puteh.

Living in Terengganu and seeing the marvel of thiskotaraya dipersisiran pantai, I wonder why we started and still continue with the great ‘Monsoon Cup’ event every year. What does the annual expenditure of that few days’ event mean to our local fishermen when the weather is often too rough to go to sea to earn the few ringgits for their families?  I also question why we spent billions on building miniature mosques of the world – but none, I understand, qualifies to have Friday prayers? How I wish those beautiful islands in the picturesque large estuary of Terengganu River were to be the home of some medical specialists, with five-start medical centres and accommodations to become a unique centre for medical tourism; the way our small neighbour down south ( lacking spokesmen!) has been flourishing over the years without songs and gongs (or should I say song and dance?). 

So we are now starting to produce locally Malaysian PhD ‘tab - taraf antara bangsa’ and save money. (But do we really need money? I understand 1Malaysia has plenty to hand out cash. ) I am not surprised a holder of our locally produced PhD, named Abu, will have the pride of writing on his business card :  Dr Abu bin Adam, PhD-tab.

Not having a PhD myself, I read what those clever spokesmen say, and I sit back heaving a long sigh, and tell myself I am not qualified to comment and am behind time. Only ‘katak dibawah tempurung’ does not need to see the outside world and get thrilled to hear whatever is sung is lauded without question.

8 ulasan:

  1. What we can see clearly now our education system quiet messy. From beginning like UPSR dont say higher education itself how many times the ministry change the system. This year if your notice PMR affected whereby till April only solution been done which the candidate will sit the exam on Sept - no more PMR cahnged to PT3. Imagine how struggle the teachers and students and kakak believe this will affect the result.

    So the same occur why graduates more focus to go abroad. As for the private sectors definitely more concern to applicant those are from overseas U and in the end more and more local graduates jobless.

    Anyway this is my two cents comment.

  2. tu le kan org kate...lain org lain pandangan dan pendapatnye...ade yg tgk dari sudut mcm tu, ade yg tgk dari sudut mcm ni... bile mcm2 pandangan keluar kite pun dpt cedok buah fikiran mereka....

  3. kadangkala idea yang bernas datang dari cerdik pandai yang tidak mempunyai pendidikan formal langsung... tapi jangan sesekali lupa bahawa pengalaman hidup merupakan pendidikan yang paling terbaik..

  4. @Rozita

    saya setuju..
    pengalaman hidup membuka minda yang luas yang adakalanya turut membantu cerdik pandai itu sendiri.. ;)

  5. A wise man? No he certainly does not deserve such, when an old man is far more appropriate. You are generous to a fault but I must thank you, madam.

  6. @Kakzakie Kak Zakie, I truly in agreeable with you. That's the word : Messy.

  7. Ai, Lieya and Ita : Memang betul....

  8. @Al-Manar Pak Cik, you deserve more than just a humble 'wise man'. I believe many others would agree with me. Please continue to contribute, Pak Cik.

