Isnin, 16 Jun 2014

Monday is Wobbly Day


Last weekend I had another busy weekend. It was tiring. Sucked up my total energy plus the spare tanks energy. Saturday we were in Johor. Travelling from Malacca, to Muar, Mersing and JB again. Sunday was in PD. Had relative came, 3 full with passengers cars and it was unplanned. I thought I could get some rest, but it didn't happen. I need to cook, to clean up, to prepare dishes.... and at night there was a small kenduri at aunt's house so that I need to run there to help too. I only reach home with Mak at 1.00 AM. Managed to crawl on my bed at 2.00 Am and this morning I came to work as usual.

I am drop dead sleepy and tired. I need a break.... Please help...

8 ulasan:

  1. ni yg mmg patut ambik MC hari ni kak...:)

    have a good rest petang ni ya lps balik kerja

  2. saya yang baca pun boleh rasa penatnya kak..

  3. adoh, rasa nak tanggal tulang dari daging bila baca, huwa huwa huwa....

  4. siannya kak.. jaga kesihatan kak.. cuba la ambik apa2 makanan kesihatan utk tenaga kak.. nanti terlalu penat tak rehat boleh jejaskan kesihatan jangka masa panjang.. take care ye kak..

  5. kalau saya dah terlentok ni, aziela..
    super woman yaa...

  6. uih jauh prjalanan tu kak....mau tak letih badan...rehat cukup2 kak kalo ade peluang yeak...

    take care kak....

  7. @Daddy Ziyyad Tak terfikir pula nak ambik MC. Ye tak yer kan.... Ishh...tapi MC on Monday nnt dapat warning letter...hahahahha
