Khamis, 4 September 2014

Back In Action


Alhamdulillah. This is my second day to be back in the office. It's great to be back to the routine. I am still limping, but I receive great help from colleagues in the office.

One of our gentlemen is kind enough to drive my car and send me to the office door and he parks my car at my parking lot in the morning. And in the evening he will go and get my car and fetch me at the office so that I don't have to walk much. I am so grateful.

Oh, bad news. I have to put on my witch hat and carry a broom that can fly in this company. Direct order from our CEO. It's tough to be a Human Resource person. When you try to be nice to the staffs, they take you for granted. And in the end you will be pressed down to the floor by your top management. And when you uphold the policy and law, you will receive notes everywhere telling you that you will be killed by any means because you are a bad witch.

And me, I take advises from senior HR people from various industries. Once being an HR person, you have to lock up your heart at home. Otherwise you won't be able to fulfill your job. So that explains why I am the only witch that our company has in our HR Dept. Simply because the other HR tends to forgot to leave their heart at home....

Sigh... it is always a sandwich.

6 ulasan:

  1. Assalamualaikum.. :)

    Zam dtg bawa khabar ni.. Thanks untuk penyertaan dalam segmen Power Bank tu.. Tahniah.. Anda salah seorang pemenang


    Untuk pemberian alamat, PM Zam di FB ya:

  2. To be a good boss is not the person that we are scared, but is the person who we are respect. The same applies as a staff. As long as we didn't against the company rules just ignore it. If there is chance to jump to other company why not go and try..

  3. Lama saya tak singgah sini.
    Moga akak kuat dan sihat dalam menempu hari-hari mendatang.

  4. salam sis aziela....


    maaf lama tak masuk blog sis ni....
    Lawatan di pagi jumaat yg indah....
