Khamis, 11 September 2014

Last Day UPSR 2014


I'm taking leave today. Crucial for me. The exam papers for today are :

English Paper 1
English Paper 2
Aptitude Test

Thus, I plan to stay with him at school. I will bring some food for him, bring some books for me and make sure he will stay awake until evening.


The news about the science paper is a big challenge for all of us. It could be good because Adam could have more time to study. But he and his friends are all ready to end it today with a loud relieve. Thus, the postponement is a kind of demotivation for them.

I am not aiming the stars in the sky. He is free to achieve any grade and I will never question him on whatever that he will get. I just want to make sure that he will be at his best no matter how hard the life could be.


4 ulasan:

  1. Ziela, tadi pagi akak dgr berita, peperiksaan hari ini ditangguhkan.. bawa bersabar ya.. kesian Adam

  2. tu la kak...soklan bocor plak..dgr2 bukan sains jek tapi math n bi pun same ....aduh...sian anak2 kite...terganggu emosi mereka sedikit sebanyak...

  3. rasa macam tak patut kan ziela..baru 12 tahun budak2 tu dah kena hadapi soalan bocor..
