Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Chinese Muslim Food at Oriental Village, Seremban 2


There is a Muslim Chinese restaurant in Seremban which is quite popular among the locals. The name is Oriental Village located at Seremban 2, just behind the Petronas area where they have a big KFC outlet there.

We would sometimes choose to have a family dinner here to celebrate a few occasions or just simply to enjoy the gathering of the family members. One of the days, I had the dinner with hubby's family, but without Adam that time.

We chose all of the above. The food were soo nice, EXCEPT the fish. It was so bland and the fish was so hard and dry. Wrong choice, I guess. Next time should better choose the normal garoupa or simply the siakap.

They have many other varieties of Chinese cuisine there. The lemon butter chicken was super delicious with their creamy source but yet cruncy golden brown chicken flesh. The chili prawn was a good attraction as well.... But me and hubby loves their brinjals stir fried in ginger and chillies best. Soft brinjals with the right amount of saltiness from the dried shrimps and fragrant with gingers give the ultimate satisfaction.

For small children, my brother in law ordered the simple egg omelette for them. It has no fillings, but was seasoned so well with I don't know what except the soy source. And the children love it so much. No kidding, man...

I remember I tried their food when they were still new long time ago, but we didn't really like the flavour that time. But as time goes by, they emerge to develop better in everything. I mean every aspect.

Having dinner here, worth your time and definitely worth your money.


16 ulasan:

  1. Saya sangat suka terung masak camtu.. Terung balado eh panggilnya..?

  2. MV pun suka makanan chinese..sebab ayah MV selalu masak chinese food

  3. family akak kalu pi makan seafood tak sempat nak kumpul hidangan dan ambil gambar macam tu, hehehehe

  4. So tempting seen all on the dishes Ziela. Kakak loves steam fish.. nyoya style, ginger style, garlic or anyone as long as steam will do:)

  5. tu dia
    gambar makanan
    lapar terus
    awat adam tinggal

  6. ni pun aida boleh cuba gi kalau balik umah mak mertua. but tak tau la mak mertua makan ke tak Chinese food.

  7. @Rai Ourkizuna Ala2 macam tu kalau kita buat sendiri, nak pedas sikit la kot...

  8. @Rai Ourkizuna Ala2 macam tu kalau kita buat sendiri, nak pedas sikit la kot...

  9. @Mrs Velentine Bertuah betul MV yer...ayah rajin memasak

  10. @Seri Kandi Tanah Jauhar Saya pergi dengan ibu mertua kak....behave sikitlaa...hahahaha

  11. @Kakzakie Steamed fish is so satisfying kan kakak. Still, it depends on the type of fish...

  12. @elly nadyra Adam sedang dalam mission persediaan UPSR masa tu

  13. @adianiez AIDA Alahaii sayang...Chinese food sama lebih kurang mcm menu kita jer...heheheheh. Tapi kalau selera N9 pure tu..susah sikit la...hehehehe
