Rabu, 8 Oktober 2014

Darwish Bam Bam...


Mohd Darwish, born on 6th June 2014, is the youngest family member in hubby's family.

3 Months old with 8kg's weight....

Yesterday he turned 4 months' old and he weighs 9kg. Ayoooo, tak larat nak dukung lama2. 

Children and babies kalau dengan hubby mesti mencebik atau meraung...hahahaha

Adam's youngest cousin from hubby's side...

Adam is the eldest grandchild from my side and also from hubby's side. He has a lot of sisters and brothers to be taken care off in which he loves it. And all those little cousins of him would stick closely to him. They like to be around him. They seems to respect the Big Brother Adam very well.  Alhamdulillah, Adam is not alone. He does has a lot of siblings....


5 ulasan:

  1. 3 bulan 8kg kak?!!!! umangaiiii mmg semangattttt..debob2...geram tgk....kalo dpt kat lieya ni puas laa kene gomol2 kiss2 heheeheh...putih melepak tembam2 mcm tu mmg pakej lengkap baby yg comel kak....

  2. So chubby Ziela. He got very nice eyes. Looks like hindustan eyes:)

