Jumaat, 5 Disember 2014

Penang Short Trip : Vistana Penang


Firstly, zillion thanx to all wishes for Adam. We are happy and so does he. After the crying session upon the unexpected result, I drove back to office in Bangsar. He came with me. Stayed with me until Friday. And those 2 days, Adam couldn't stop smiling. He said he can't believe it. Was it true...? He kept on questioning me..checking out that he was not dreaming. I laughed everytime he asked. I was flying in the sky seeing his smile. He worked so damn hard for this. And it pays. Though Adam is not a brilliant boy, but at least he gave a shot. A fully loaded gun with bullets to be shot in his war. He was lucky he aimed correctly.

Ok, for that we planned a short Penang trip for him over that weekend. My SIL happenned to be having a convocation on 2nd of Dec, Tuesday. Our family need to be in Ipoh by Sunday because she needs to attend briefing sessions and rehearsals on Monday. Since Saturday was free, we thought that a one night stay in Penang could show some appreciation to the boys.

Oh, remember Adam's cousin, Firdaus? Firdaus successfully gained 3As, 1B and 1D..hahahhaha. He failed his Maths. We tried so many ways to help him in Maths, but we failed. He got B in English which for me is an outstanding achievement by looking at the performance of his school. Even his English teacher was so happy and cried while hugging him. And he got A for his Science. And it still confuses me. How come he can gain A in Science but failed in Maths? I thought Maths is allies with Science?

Anyway, we are happy for both of them. So happy... Their achievements are beyond our targets and achievements. So an extended trips might send them a message that we do appreciate their efforts.

We departed from Malacca quite late that Saturday plus with extremely heavy traffic and heavy rain...we finally checked-in at Vistana Hotel at 11.30pm. Mommy brought home cooked delicacies...a lot. So we just enjoyed the food and enjoyed the comforts of the room. I booked a 3 bedroom suite at Booking.Com. I got a good price. Inclusive of breakfast, we paid less than 100 for each pax.

This is the master bedroom. This was for me and hubby....hehehehe

The living hall. I think they need to add up more sofas... We need family bonding time, right?

The dining hall....

The kitchen. We didn't use it. The kitchen was not up to our expectation. 

They have a small room. It has iron facilities, a small corner for hot drinks facility and it is also a study table. I did my work here and sent my documents to my boss. BUT....my mobile data is much more faster than their wifi. 

The 2 happy boys in their room. This bed is a little bit smaller than queen size bed but bigger that super single bed. Just nice for them.

The second bedroom used by Mommy and my SIL. Each room is attached with private bathroom. So we enjoyed our bathroom moments. Oh...no..no... No mandi bunga because there was no bath tub.

We didn't go out to enjoy Penang that night because we were too exhausted. So we totally enjoyed the room. We went down for breakfast the next morning. Breakfast was ok....but I did experience a better menu and food here during our previous visit.

Adam was happy with his breakfast as long as they serve sausages. Ish..ish..ish....

This is Mommy's plate. Enough rest, comfort in the room and the next morning your tummy growls.... Mommy pushed this plate to me so that I could snap a good picture. Hehehehe

We had good time overall. Adam took some time to swim but he didn't enjoy it. Too many people in the pool, he said. We took more time to rest and kills time since we got a complimentary late check-out at 2.30pm.

Upon checking-out, we went to a place for lunch. I will share the place later.....

Anybody going to Penang?


12 ulasan:

  1. Percutian ringkas tapi menarik. Yang penting semua gembira. :)

  2. We went to Penang last October..
    A Penang trip for me, is a food trip...hahaha

    So, Adam apply mana? SBP ? MRSM?

  3. Baru balik penang. Balik hari je sebab dekatkan ipoh penang. 2 hours drive. Penang mmg best. Cuma jalan kat pulau tu sempit n jammed sikit. Hari tu sempat la beli jeruk madu pak ali utk family... jadikler. Hehhehe

    jemput tgk blog ayu ye sis


  4. akak baru blk brcuti kt penang 3hr 2mlm.....kami menginap di continental hotel....

    wah,mesti 2 org kanak2 rebina tu happy dpt cuti brsama2....

    trkdg exam ni suatu perjudian nasib...2org ank murid akak sejak year 1 sering dpt strainght A tapi masa UPSR kencundang..cuma mampu dpt 3A 2B je..semua cikgu2 terkilan n sedih.....xpelh, perjlnan masih jauh.
    bekas ank murid akak yg dpt so2 je UPSR bakal bergelar doktor.

  5. dia orang tak nak add sofa banyak banyak tu..
    esp yang comfy comfy
    sebab nanti boleh isi ramai sangat orang..

  6. dah 2 kali stay kat vistana ni
    suka sebab keliling dia banyak kedai boleh makan dan jenjalan

    tapi tu la dapur dia tak best
    sofa dia mmg lagu tu
    nak melepak reramai kena la duk kat lantai
    kedekut kusi betul

    btw kak
    saya dah 3 tahun kot tak pi penang
    tapi kalau pi penang
    mmg sendat perut dibuatnya

  7. aida and famili lom ada holiday kat penang. pernah dgr pasal vistana ni. bcoz few years back kakak abang konvo usm mak abah stay sini...
    nice place. selesa nampak nyer :)

