Isnin, 6 April 2015

Our Ducklings



Here comes the story for our ducklings. Let me tell you the history...

Me, hubby and Adam were on the way home from a short fishing session in Tanjung Bidara. We stopped by at a mini market in Masjid Tanah in which 2 doors away from the shop was the pet shops. They were selling a whole lot of ducklings that day. Itik nila, itik angsa and itik telur. Hubby fell in love with those ducklings. He asked me to buy one for him as a pet. I was reluctant. I didn't buy, I didn't even look at the ducklings. I know much hassle it could give us. Hubby didn't have any idea because he was purely a city boy. Never even touched a duckling before in his life.

But hubby insist. He sulked. He forced me. And he didn't move from the shop! Aduuuiiii. I had no choice, but to buy them. Instead of one duckling, I bought two. At least he has friend. It costs me 5.00 for each duckling.

This was the 3rd day the ducklings at our house. Ayah was kind enough to lend me the big cat cage for us to put the ducklings there while both of us at work.
 Otherwise the ducklings will roam all over the house with their droppings....sigh! Or else, neighbours' cats will be interested to have them as their lunch...yummmm! So, to keep them safe, we put them in the cage. Unless at night, after dinner while we cleaned their cage, they will walk around our small compound to exercise or swim in the small 'pond' we provide made from a plastic container...hehehehe.

And now, after three weeks, they have grown.

Look at relax and happy and they have started to accept us as part of their family...hahahaha

Sun bathing in the morning....

We feed them well. They sure have a big appetite. Swimming, walking around, eating and sleep...

They do challenge my patients a lot of time, but believe me, I have never abuse them. I scolded them exactly like Adam will be scolded if being naughty at times....

I hope I can have enough courage and patients to have them until our last day...


8 ulasan:

  1. cutenya..
    dak dek Nuha. hehehe..

  2. good luck with the ducks kak...jgn nanti at the end hubby akak suruh masak itik panggang...hehe!!

  3. erk kak...itik??? for real??...tingat mak lieya bela tapi die bela itik nila laa dlm 5 nakal kak...abis kebun org di lepas tu takde lepas jauh2 dah...cukup dah besar terus sembelih buat rendang hahaahahaha

  4. hahaha.. terus lupa apa nak komen bila baca komen Luddin.. hahahaha..

    tapi mmg omeynyerrrr!!

  5. rajinnya akak melayan

    tapi cantik kak
    kaler kuning tu cantik

    kalau sayalah
    mmg idak la kak
    buat la lagu mana
    kang ada yang outstation kena bawak itik skali

  6. comelnyaaaa... fluffy bulu dia.. da besar nanti boleh buat itik panggang.. hahaha..

  7. Wahhhhh..ini sangat best kak!
    Never i imagine to have a duckling as a pet...saya pun nak try bela la...hahahaha...

    so bila besar lagi, nak buat apa? panggang? hahaha
