Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Happy Birthday and Happy Nurses Day


This is my little sister. Third from 4 in our siblings. She is a nurse. It's her birthday today and what a co-incident, her birthday is on the International Nurses Day celebration. She might have been destined to be a nurse, I think.

She has gone through a lot in her life. I adore her. She knows how to take care of herself. She stumbled down a few times and the worst was last year. But she got up..stood for a while before she ran down chasing her dreams. How strong she is.

So my dear sister,

Be strong...keep on going strong. You go chase your happiness, girl. You earn it after those bitter challenges you gone through.

May you swim in your happiness. May you reach your dream. May you showered with a lot of Rahmah wa Mawaddah....Insya Allah....


3 ulasan:

  1. Sebulan sebelum Hari Jururawat,
    Pasti ada jururawat hospital datang klinik.
    Minta sumbangan untuk buat majlis.
    Lepas tu mereka lupa kat saya.
    Tahun berikutnya pun sama.
    Mereka hanya ingat saya bila hari jururawat nak tiba.
    Hu hu hu.

    Selamat Hari Jururawat.

  2. adik saya sorang yang bongsu pon bakal nurse
