Selasa, 2 Jun 2015

Healthy Potatoes Tomatoes Snacks


I served this for coffee break during weekends. It is healthy as long as you do not pile them up high in your plate.

A simple potato dish. I cut the potatoes in big cubes, boiled to soften, and sprinkle lightly the paprika powder and a few dash of oregano. Then I fried them in the nonstick pan until I get the crust here and there.
Tastewise....its soft, filling, but you will chew the crunchy side with a different flavour. All in one dish.

Oh, to make it more festive, there's a spoonful of mayonese with that paprika. It gives another taste explosion. The only bad thing is, you might be craving for this dish more.

Yeap, oven baked tomatoes. Sourly but with a hidden sweetness once you dried the juices. Sprinkled it with oreganos and lightly salted. A perfect partner for the potatoes.

So, potatoes and tomatoes do get along very well, right?


8 ulasan:

  1. Never try this style Ziela.
    Normally potato either kakak cut into wedges and fried or as usual together for curry or dalca style - not healthy but taste good hihi..

  2. Tak pernah cuba lagi macam tu kak sebab tomata saya lebih suka makan mentah2.

  3. A very healthy food indeed. Loved it.

  4. wow nice kak...simple tapi sedap!!

    tapi kalo masak gini sah2 lieya jek bedal sorang kak..almaklum laa org kat umah tu tekak melayu asli hahahahaah

  5. assalamualaikum kak
    maaf ye, lama tak ke sini

    saya suka makan kentang, tapi tak pernah cuba yang camni
    biasa campur dalam masakan atau buat fries aje
