Selasa, 29 September 2015

Wedding Anak Buah...


We went to the my cousin's son's wedding last weekend. It was held at Casa Helicornia in Jln Gurney. A simple get together for family and friend. I know the bridegroom, but I do not know him upclose. His parents are close with us...but yea..time constraint. We only meet during festive days only.

We arrived early. In fact we were the first guest...hahaha. Oh, it was me, hubby and Adam, together with my parents. Another aunty with my cousin tag along with us too.

We came early so that we could catch up news and updates with family. Enjoy the food, enjoy the warmth of the relations.

Besides the main nasi beriyani set dish, these were the desert counter. It is a simple dish and set up, but it excites us.

The salad counter. I like the dates. Freshly picked and brought back by my cousin's wife whom work in Medinah as a lecturer in nursing related subjects.

Adam and his papa. We were about to return him back to school  after the wedding. 

My other's cousin daughter. Raja Farah. She is an actress and tv host. Newly wed and she looks much more happier this time. She screamed in surprise meeting Adam. Last she met Adam,  I think few years back. From a chubby primary school boy, Adam of course has changed.

The couple. I will have to interview the new member of the family, hihihi.

Another 2 weeks time, another cousin's wedding in FRIM. The next 2 weeks after that, the reception of Raja Farah. Hopefully that's the closing for this year. Next year will be quite handfull for family members' wedding and engagement.

I like the busy aroma of love celebrations.


14 ulasan:

  1. Raja Farahhhhh!!

    Best tu jadi first guest.. boleh makan banyak.. hahaha

  2. LIN TAG GA..

    JOM JOIN..

  3. Salam kak,

    lama sungguh x BW... tiba-tiba rindu dgn celoteh blogger ni...

    Wahhh Adam so ensem... dah jadi anak teruna.... lain sekali bila last tengok pic dia dulu...

  4. kenyang makan nasi kenduri la bila nak sampai musim cuti sekolah..

    lama tak jengah sini kak.. rinduu nak baca cerita akak & family.. hehe

  5. Oh... Raja farah related to your family
    So sweet:)

  6. Hi Aziela, wow, love this posting. Nice pics the way, maybe you should change to a new blog template, get bigger pics shown.
    Holy Smoke! That Rajah Farah really a lovely young lady. And hubby and Adam looking good. He has grown taller too. The food looks really delicious.
    Hey, bila la you going to get a daughter? Ada can babysit, ha ha ha.
    Berenti la tu 'glow malam'....maybe dapat twins, habis cherita! ha ha ha.

    Your mentioned of 'Jalan Gurney'...ya, I remember that area very well, had many friends then living around there. Wonder if the military base still there? Quite Dekat Kampong Baru and Jalan Pekililing near where we lived. This was wayyyyy back in the early '60s.
    Have a nice day....Simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  7. Hi Aziela, tu 'Moonlight Remdezvous' da balek....

  8. ohooooooooooooo akak bersaudara dgn raja farah yeak.... die tak sombong kan kak.... suke tgk die host citer rasa halal antarabangsa kat astro tu....

    meriah nampak wedding ni kak.... menu2 pun menarik2...sernok tgk...betul ckp akak, time ni laa nak jumpe sedara mara kan tenya khabar semua so berbaloi kalo awal2 dah sampai....

  9. dearest thing I noticed Adam has grown to be a fine young time flies..tinggi dripd bapa dia tu.haha.

  10. Waaaaaa.....mak sedara Raja Farah ya akak ni....:)

    Dah lama saya takber blog..sebulan lebih...hahaha,jadi dah lama x tengok Adam...nampak dah dewasa dia :)

  11. Salam hujung minggu dari bunda dan selamat pengantin baru kepada dua mempelai...

  12. Hi ziela!! How r u dear? Been a while since the last we met! I guess it was 15yrs back! Glad to know things has been great for u. I hv so much fun reading yr blog. Wish u all the best and take care!

  13. Dina, I miss you so much....sob..sob...
