Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

Khamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Menu Sahur Mudah 4


Wah...ramai yang sedang menanti waktu berbuka nampaknya ya....

Esok, nak masak apa la pula ya...
Menu diatas ni saya sediakan waktu bersahur. Kobis goreng, tapi berkuah dan renjiskan sedikit kicap. Sebelahnya pula, gulai daging pedas saya tumbukkan cilu padi merah, tumiskan debgan bawang merah dan masukkan santan pekat. Aduhai...pedas tu lah yang buatkan sahur saya menyelerakan.

Tapi, untuk yang tak makan pedas, adjustlah ikut diri masing2 yer....

Oh yer...selamat menjamu selera semuanya....


Khamis, 15 Oktober 2015

Bila Ada Yang Tak Pandai Menghormati....


Dalam menjalani hidup sehari2, pasti kita jumpa ramai orang dengan sikap sombong, bongkak dan rasa dirinya paling mulia.

Apa yang anda buat?

Dulu.....waktu saya muda, masih mentah lagi...saya sering mengalah bila jumpa orang begini kerana saya masih mampu untuk bersangka baik. Saya masih boleh teruskan menghormati orang lain.

Tapi bila usia saya semakin senja, saya mula rasa bertanggungjawab untuk bantu 'mendidik' mereka dengan cara saya sendiri.

Di syarikat baru ini, ramai engineer baru. Sayangnya, mereka juga 'baru' dalam budi bahasa.

Bila ada yg tunjuk langsi pada saya beberapa hari lepas, saya terpaksa keluarkan taring dan kuku. Itupun keluar hujung2, sipi2 jer.

Dan yang langsi dulu, hari ni menjadi mesra alam terlebih dgn saya. Semoga beliau lebih berhati2 bila berbicara lepas ini. Tak selamanya kita mampu menongkat langit.


Isnin, 12 Oktober 2015

Fire Drill


As a company which services the oil and gas industry, safety is the most important aspect in our work life. Fire drill is an exercise to train our employees what should be done whenever there is any incident occurs.

Usually the weather would be a challenge. Though, the ladies are smiling happily...yup..we managed to escape the 'fire'...wooohoooo...!

The Operation Dept.'s Branch Manager giving briefing. All in all, everybody managed to evacuate within 2 minutes time.

We had an incident before, an industrial trainee was servicing a tank truck. He forgot to double check that the tank was emptied before he starts any work. So when he started to flash out the welding gas tools, the fire caught the gas contained in the tank. It burned him around 12%, I think. He burnt half his face, some hair, and the exposed arms and a small area of his chest. Luckily he wore the complete set of safety equipment.

Thus, fire drill is important, guys....


Jumaat, 9 Oktober 2015

Hubby's Trip To Mexico


Hubby was assigned to do some audits inMexico last month. That was his first experience in Mexico. He was excited though it was a very short 2 days trip.

He flew with Lufthansa Airlines. A German's airline. They flew straight almost 12 hours and transit in Frankfurt for 7 hours and proceed another journey right to Mexico City for the next 12 hours. Almost 2 days time for him to reach Mexico.

Done with some works, he managed to take a one day Mexico City tour and visited the oyramid area. It is an historical site. Yes, you read it right. Pyramid. Mexico has pyramyds ladies and gentlemen. It contains with some dark stories. You can google it.

He shopped some chillies. It were me and mak's order..hahaha. Well...this is the time for us to have a taste of the real fresh.Mexico's chillies. It is said that the habaneros are a lot more hotter than our cili padi. Is that true?

Oh...I will write about it in different entry...

He ate rice in Mexico. Purely rice at the seafood shops. It is soooo difficult to find great halal food.
On the way back, hubby took opportunity to walk around Frankfurt when he laid off in Germany for half day. Frankfurt is beautiful...a lot of halal restaurants and easier to fit in too.

Look at the Germany's fruits at their wet market. Yummy huh...


Rabu, 7 Oktober 2015

WW : D'Laila Mee Udang, Nilai


Mee Udang, the best...

Maggie Telur Ikan Mayong. Not for me..

Psst : I've tried....