Rabu, 11 November 2015

Another Wedding in the Family


Another wedding. My cousin from father's side. Hubby was not able to join. He had to attend his company's team building. I drove to Kepong with Adam and my parents. Tell you what. That was the first time ever I went to FRIM. For all those almost 20 years in KL, it took me there only when I left KL. Pathetic, right?

It was a garden wedding theme, organized at Villa Aromatica in FRIM.
Adam with his second cousin. My cousin's son. They are at the same age. They used to play together hecticly when they were small, but now that they grew up...they just smiled and shake hands. 

My moment with my boy...

My uncle is the father of the groom. He was a violinist which attached to RTM's orchestra since he was very young. He retired a few years back.

So in his sons's wedding, I got to meet his orchestra team member. A pianist as nd another violinist. They were amazing....

So, that's it. Another wedding... At least I was able to join the gathering. 


6 ulasan:

  1. Seronok bila time kenduri, boleh jumpa ramai kawan2 dan saudara mara kan..Salam kenal n follow sini

  2. Tuan Badan makin cantik.. makin manis..

  3. Wahh mcm tak sangka adam dgn ibunya. Nampk muda sgt tak rupa ibu dan ank tgk gmbr ni kak

  4. Bila kenduri-kendara macam ni.. saya suka selfie.. hehehe.. ;)

