Jumaat, 11 Disember 2015

Engineer Cafe, Nilai and The One Unsung Hero


Oh, its Friday...yieehaaa.. Weekend is here!

Well, I don't have much time lately to blog though I miss blogging world so much. What I do have in draft folder now is mostly about food. I hope you guys would enjoy my postings about food.

Engineers Cafe located in Bandar Baru Nilai. Its at the same row with Secret Recipe. Hubby was here with his colleagues and they find it more than acceptable. So sometimes they even had meeting over the dinner here.

Menu is simple. No wide variety, but for me it's satisfying. Simple food but appear fantastic, excellent drinks and relaxing ambiance.

Hubby's drink. Mojita something..something. I can't remember.

Adam's choice, carbonara spaghetti. Big portion for big boy. He enjoyed it soo much.

My choice and hubby's. Spaghetti Lemak Cili Padi. The souce...oh my...oh my... Extra delicious, extra hot, sooo creamy and so satisfying. They mixed it with chunks of tender and juicy sirloin meats. This...is fit for the original taste buds of Nogori people.

I enjoyed the cold plain water in this big bottle. Best suit with the lemak pedas spaghetti. And...I stayed there for quite a long period, while enjoying reading my novel.

Oh guysss....girlsss....you all MUST read this novel. It is packed with information. What's the good ethics in raising your child, what could go wrong  with a couple communication, what does our country's tough commando personnel of VAT69 team gone through...they are all in this book. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
Find The One, by Melur Jelita.

Oh, back to the cafe. You don't have to be an engineer to be here. I know caused I was there, enjoyed it and I am not an engineer....


8 ulasan:

  1. Most probably the restaurant owner is engineer Ziela..

  2. Best eh novel tu... Nanti leh try baca..

  3. Saya baru habis baca novel tu dan novel sebelumnya. Banyak input berguna dalam kehidupan seharian. I luv cara MJ berkarya.. just luv it..

  4. dah sepuluh kali belek the one tapi tak terbeli sebagai pelengkap The Unsung hero

  5. review awak tentang makanan memang fantastic.
    tak payah ayat panjang2.
    ringkas dan padat.
    confirmed sedap dah tu.

  6. nama cafe tu meruntun jiwa ni mahu pergi. heheeh~

  7. hi perkongsian menarik. done follow, follow me back :)

  8. haaaaaaaaaa kedai makan baru
    nak cuba nak cuba
    cam menarik plak spaghetti cili padi tu

    kak, dah cuba nasi kak wok kat nilai tu
    dekat2 ngan nasi ayam gemas
    terbaik kak!

