Khamis, 31 Mac 2016

Cousin's Wedding Part 1


Let's put on hold my journey to Sik to give space for my cousin's wedding entry.

He found his soul mate from our town. Easy to commute especially during Hari Raya...very clever boy...hahaha. The reception at the bride's side was held at a hall in Lukut. His wedding and his brother in law's reception were done in this one function. So we had two couples on the stage.

The stage. It's royal yellow...

My cousin is by the name of Hafiz...

The dishes spread. Delicious. Malay Negeri Sembilan dish with one Javanese dish of sambal goreng.

The bride's mother, my aunty in pink tudung with her beloved now married son and daughter in law. My mother in blue was happy as well....

And last but not least, me and hubby. Oh no...I've gain weight....huwaaaa...!!!! Need to go back on the previous food intake routine...
The second part of my cousin's wedding at my Mak Ngah's house will take place soon....
Pssst...: I really have a super limited time to update blog. Hopefully this inconveniences will end by middle of May...Amiin....

8 ulasan:

  1. gulai lomak daging salai tu. pebret den. hehe. Sblum kawen tak gomar. Dah kawen dgn org nismilan, dah jd pebret hehehe

  2. Barokallah...
    May the couples live happily with syariat - Amiin.

  3. Tahniah hafiz dan isteri. moga terus kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah

  4. Alhamdulillah dan tahniah buat cousin aziela..
    Masakan negeri sembilan masa kenduri kahwin ni memang sedap..
    Ehhh rasa nak kenduri kat negeri sembilan pulak akak ni azie :)

  5. sodapnya gulai lomak itu...suka..suka...

  6. Salam ni hafiz dlm entry dulu dulu yg masak Spital Kena denggi Dan nurse selamba cakap platelets rwndah tu ke?
    Alhamdulillah ...ok seat dia sekarang. .tapi bila baca kisahnya ..stress pun ada hilarious pun ada..
