Sabtu, 28 April 2018

It's my Birthday

28th birthday.

Celebrated birthday only a few times through out my life. The rest of the years, it just went off just like any other normal days.
That is ok....

At this age, I am considered at silver years. Soon...going to be golden age. Few more years...

Life has been giving me a lot of good things. Taught me a lot. Loves me in so many ways.

Well....thank you for the wishes in my facebook and instagram and whatsapp. I love everybody...for better or worst.

Regards from me at my silver age.

Salam everybody....

8 ulasan:

  1. happy birthday kak,,, semoga Allah panjangkan umur dan perluaskan rezeki akak.. akak dah nampak sgt kurus la..

  2. Happy birthday sis.. Semoga makin murah rezeki..

  3. Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran Aziela..semoga dirahmati yang Maha Esa

  4. Happy Birthday young lady. Best of health always.

  5. Happy Birthday, Aziela.
    Semoga dipanjangkan umur, diberi kesihatan yg baik & berbahagia selalu di samping family tersayang.

  6. selamat hari lahir
    semoga umur diberkati

  7. Selamat Hari Lahir kak Aziela.
    Moga rutin harian dipermudahkanNYA.
