Jumaat, 18 Mei 2018

First day Ramadhan 2018


Wah...its already Ramadhan. How time flies... sob..sob...

We had a simple but yet busy first day of Ramadhan. Hubby is away...so its just me and Adam. And sometimes Mommy too...

 Had our first sahur in PD. At my parents' place. I prepared simple stir fry chinese cabbage with tomatoes. And fried some chicken with a bit of sambal. Good enough for us...

And for breakfast, I have no energy to cook...whats with the travelling and appointments. So, the simplest decision was having it at mamak's. Just three of us. Me, Adam and Mommy...  Done...

How's yours?

4 ulasan:

  1. Sahur Sha masak simple je.. Berbuka memang tak masak sangat..

  2. SA first day puasa memang cuti..masak macam-macam..nak sebut macam tak sampai hati kan..hehehe...nanti kan entry je la..tapi memang puasa hari pertama rasa exhausted sgt, jemput mak keluar ward, turun naik hospital..perut tak lapar tapi lebih kepada haus..

  3. Ramadhan Kareem, Aziela.

    berubah sungguh wajah Adam tapi senyumannya masih sama.

  4. Salam Kak ;) Kita singgah sini. Ingat kita lagi tak?

