Khamis, 17 April 2008

Perhentian I come!!

This is the beach in front of our chalet when we had a trip to Redang about 3 years ago. It was soooo crystal clear...the coral were so beautiful and the nemo fishes were sooo friendly.

And.......I told you all in previous posting that I'm going to Perhentian. Has already finalised everything with the agent today. Tomorrow, will e-mail to all staffs about the itinnery, schedule, things to bring, etc..etc... And next week will start packing up my things, shopping for new beg and for a new snorkel set ( I dun want to wear contact lense this time, so will find a suitable mask ) and if possible and have enuff budget, I'll consider to buy the Muslimah swimsuit.

Friends, jom laa...buat reunion at the island....We could have BBQ dinner, karaoke together, have cups of coffee and tea on the beach at nites and bring up our old sweet memories.

Morning..after breakfast, we could snorkel...and dun worry, the chalet provides instructor and the island boys are very helpful and strong. Things that I can't wait is to swim with the turtles and the baby sharks....

Hopefully I will be in a good health condition....Amiinnn.....

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