Isnin, 28 April 2008

Miracle Flowers

Guess what......I have a surprise today. Hubby send me this bouquet of flowers.... Aduhhhhh....rasa sangat terharu. I melt already.....

To hubby.....thank you...thank you..... I love it sooooo much...

I know it's not easy for hubby to plan like this. He's in Malacca, contact my close friend in office and asked for help to give out this surprise ( Tengkiu Ita....tengkiu Ita....). The florist came, and it happenned to be that the flower was really for me......

I know...i know...hubby always said : Alaa...bunga...bukan boleh buat makan pun.....but I dun care..I love them. For me, it's a gesture of love and I really need to be showered with love. Well...who doesn't, rite? And this particular flower is the best that I've ever received throughout my life. To hubby again...thank you very much. You know I love you so much, right. Muaaahhhhh.......

To friends, boss, families and my beloved Adam....thank you for the wish......I am sooo happy....really....( tak tunjuk jer..sebab hari nie still rasa macam dilambung ombak...).

4 ulasan:

  1. Dear Zila,

    Happy 32nd Birthday !! Wellll...don't be jeles..coz I'm still 18!! (my heart & soul at least)

    He loves you Zila..he just not showing it to you...treasure every petals you have in that bouquet of roses...for every petals means with lots of loves from him to was not easy for him to call me in the morning just to ask for my favor to be part of his project besar tahun 2008 (you know what I mean...) that my friend!!

    As for me, it was an honour....thank you!

  2.'s really touching. Yea...I need to revise my mind setting. This is big thing. ( Rasa macam nak tarik balik the 'permission' hehehehhe...)

  3. Aku dah wish. Tanak wish lagi.

    Anyways...I am really glad that you are happier now. I am glad he sent you flowers. I am very happy that he makes you happy.

  4. DD, tengkiu. I wish it could last forever...Amiinnnn.
