Isnin, 28 April 2008

Trip to Perhentian : 1st Day....

I'll write in stages. The trip was so amazing, but not satisfying...Why? Because I want more...hahahahhahaha.....

So, all of the participants are suppossed to be at the office lobby at 6.00 AM. And the committee need to be there half an hour earlier, means at 5.30AM. Since the nite before that I went back to Malacca for some shopping with hubby, I move quite early from Malacca, about 2.30 AM. However, plus stops at a couple of petrol pumps, and for my early takeaway breakfast at McD, finally I arrived at 5.00 AM at the office. So, while waiting for the others, I park my car and took a half an hour nap. 5.30 AM, drag all my bags to the office lobby and start to arrange a few documents, discuss a few with committees, and

We were supposed to depart at 6.30 AM or the latest by 7.00 AM, but you know..big group....there's always a few whom wouldn't mind if other people wake up early, took the troubles in the morning to arrive punctually and WAIT FOR THEM....! I hope they didn't do that on purpose because it was really dissappointing.... I mean...some of the staffs know that they will find difficulties to come early in the morning and they find solution for that. They sleep in the office. And this shows that they are responsible people. After all, it reflects to the personality.

Despite of that, the journey was smooth eventhough it was raining the whole way up to Kota Bharu. I sleep and sleep and eat and sleep in bus...hehehehhe.

We arrived in Kota Bharu at aboot 7.00 PM and wait for our contact person to arrive and bring us to the respected rental houses. The ladies has a cute and new house with all the basic facilities in the excellent conditions plus the airconds and tvs. That nite, we gather at about 8.30 PM and went to the town for dinner. We went to a pasar malam area and the ladies start the shopping activities. And not to mention all of the Kelantan's delicacies were there.....the pulut durian, kuih akok, jala emas, nasi kerabu, ayam percik, som tam, kerabu, and all the yummy food. Ishhh....rambang mata sungguh.

After that, we went back to our house and sleep. The end of the 1st day.

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