Selasa, 29 Mac 2011

Triple Birthday Celebration 2010

I arranged for a triple birthday celebrations for my MIL, FIL and hubby in August last year. Co-incidently their birthdays are about 2 weeks duration from each other.

So, I discussed with hubby's ex-schoolmate and friend in Renaissance Malacca. Hubby is a member for Renaissance and his previous company always have corporate dinner, client dinner, auditor dinner, all sort of dinners at that hotel. So, they became close.

At first, I ordered a complete course for 1 family dinner only. But the F&B Manager there has a better idea. He's giving us a complimentary birthday cake, banner and private room. Wow, this is good. It's for hubby's support in their bussiness all these years. Well, actually, that hotel has loyal customers and guests, simply because of the quality that they delivered. They always make sure that they serve the best in every aspects of business. That's y most of us keep on coming back.

Our arrivals has been awaited by the staffs and they lead us to the room. Truely, they do provide the banner. This is awesome. I got extremely excited...hahahha. Ok..Ba is FIL, Mommy is MIL obviously and Paul is hubby. His name is Saiful and his family called him Paul. Hahahaha.. His cousins and family are still Chinese, so they are comfortable with that name. We didn't wait for long when they pushed in this birthday cake trolley. Another BIG surprise followed. They called up the singer and musician from their Famosa Lounge and sang the merry Happy Birthday song. It was soo beautiful and the elements of fun filled up the air. I just wish if we could have a bigger crowd and everybody will participate much more better. But this was extremely fun enuff for all of us. I will never forget the moment.

I requested a delicious set of dinner. These were among the food that we had that nite. Ok..the cili padi was specially requested by me. As usuall....

We ordered Peking Duck. I didn't know that they do make a halal Peking Duck there. When the manager suggested to us during the discussions, I got really excited. I've always wanted to eat Peking Duck. I thought I could never eat it in my whole life because it usually served in non-Halal Chinese restaurants. The duck was roasted till the skin became crispy and golden. The waitress served it and it was so fascinating. She sliced all the skin carefully and skillfully. Then she put it on a piece of popia skin, add the vegies and the special soy souce and roll it into a popiah.

This is how it looks. Sorry, I took a bite first. It was so crispy, yet moist and fully spread with beautiful flavours. Ok.. for this kind of cuisine, I do not need the cili padi.

It may be the only birthday gathering that we have in our life, but I am more than satisfied because I am sure that everyone gone home with happiness and the feelings of being appreciated filled their heart and soul.

It is not the food, not the place, not the price, not the musicians that is expensive, but the sweet memory and the bonding of love is the most invaluable.

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