Selasa, 14 Jun 2011

I Feel So Small...


Yeap...I feel that. Feel so small, though I am definitely not small. In fact I am the opposite of small.

Well, I do not know why do I feel like this. I feel small in blogging world. That feeling of low standard bloggers that this blog is. Where do I get that? I do not know. I just feel like it. I feel like the motivation of blogging is none that could be found. I need help.

I want to share so many things with readers, but I realized that most of my stories are dull and bored people to death. Even this entry is so dull. But I need to let this out. I need to talk to my blog. After all, this blog is part of my self. I need the spirits, my dear rainbow. Please shine it to me...

4 ulasan:

  1. sometime bila dah malas kita akan rasa macam tu..macam saya ni..ntah apa-apa yang saya nak tulis. Mati idea...

    But don't give up, try to mempelbagaikan cerita..awak kan terer. Macam saya tak reti..awak kan sifu saya...hihihihi

    Happy blogging dear fren...

  2. memang sekali-sekali akak datang perasaan itu..tapi rasa sayang pulak sebab dah byk habiskan masa kat blog ni. Ibarat diary kehidupan kita dan ianya akan menjadi kenangan buat anak dan cucu.

  3. Rahmah : Kita kena gali jugak cari idea kan

  4. kak ina kl : Ye x yer jugak kan kak... janji kita jangan tutup dan berputus asa dengan dia...
