Rabu, 29 Jun 2011

Oolong Tea Health Benefits


Ingat lagi tak teh nie? Ini namanya Dong Ding Oolong Tea. Err...kita ada posting kat sini hari tu.
Rupa teh nyer macam nie :

Nampak macam bergentel2 serbuk teh tu kan. Sebenarnya ianya bukan dalam bentuk serbuk. Ianya adalah bebola kecil. Setiap helai daun tu dikeringkan dan digulung kecik2 sampai jadik macam bola2 kecil nie. Bila kita rendam dalam air panas, boleh terpesona tengok daun2nya mengembang perlahan2 sambil mengeluarkan aroma yang sungguh harum.

Ada banyak benefits rupanya teh nie. Ini kita copy dari sini.

In China, Oolong or Wulong tea has long been believed to be beneficial in reducing and maintaining weight, but a study in 1998 confirmed that continous consumption of Oolong tea really does result in body weight reduction. More studies were conducted later on and found that Oolong makes body burn its own fat for energy. The weight reducing benefits of Oolong tea may also be a result of a fact that Oolong tea has absorption blocking potential.

Oolong tea is known to have numerous health benefits. It is not only renowned for its taste but also for its ability to boost our overall health. But for people who like to keep in shape, one of the most positive effects of Oolong is the effect it has on the waist line. It can provide excellent support to a weight loss program, especially those involving cutting out carbohydrates from the diet.

While naturally prepared Oolong tea is practically free of calories and contains just fractional grams of carbohydrates per serving, studies suggest that regular consumption of Oolong tea will speed up your metabolism so that you will burn about 80 plus more calories per day than you otherwise would. Oolong tea can also help you lower your triglyceride levels and even stave off the onset of type II diabetes.
Oolong tea diet is best in combination with a carb controlled (not carb eliminating) diet and it also provides more long term and lasting positive health benefits on top of the immediate benefits of weight loss. With reducing your fat deposits permanently and giving you more energy, this Oolong tea carb-controlled diet is likely to lead to a reduced risk of heart disease and type II diabetes.
Oolong tea will also provide your body with antioxidants which can prevent or undo the damage done by free-radicals. Furthermore, by removing free radicals from your bloodstream, Oolong tea can boost your skin health, immune system operation, and metabolic rate.
Ofcourse, a big part of a healthy weight loss diet are exercise, enough sleep and healthy eating habits. If you include Oolong tea in your diet plan, it promises to bring faster and more visible results.

Waaa....boleh reduce weight la kalau minum hari2. Tapi aduhaiii...tak sanggup la. Sebab ada minum hari tu, tapi asyik melepas angin jer.... Sampai senak2 perut menahan. Kejap2 nak kena lari ke toilet untuk lepas angin. Sila jangan baca dengan nada tak senonoh. Tapi baca dengan perasaan kesian.. Huhuhu...kalau kat rumah ok lagi kot. Ini kat opis...siksa sungguh. Lepas tu serik dah, terus x minum.

Tapi sayang la. Teh nie bagus khasiatnya. Walaupun dia kata boleh reduce weight, but I do not really trust that. Cuma percaya dengan khasiat yang ianya boleh tingkatkan metabolisme dan antioxidantnyer yang bagus.

Selain daripada teh nie, banyak lagi teh yang bagus. Yang paling mudah didapati ialah Green Tea Boh.

Jangan tak percaya, teh nie memang banyak khasiatnya. Sebaiknya diminum teh nie tanpa gula. Cuba nikmati aroma teh nie secara semulajadi dan rasanya yang sangat asli dan natural. Kalau sambil lepak2 dan borak2, minum teh nie, mesti cepat hilang dahaga berbanding dengan minum air yang manis. Air manis lebih menambahkan dahaga kita sebenarnya tau dan itu akan mendorong kita untuk minum dengan lebih banyak air manis yang mana ianya tak bagus untuk kesihatan.

Ok..selamat minum teh kengkawan....

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