Sabtu, 9 Julai 2011

Adam's Birthday Celebration 2011


So, here comes June again. Last year we celebrated Adam's birthday in Port Dickson. And this year it had to be in Malacca. To be fair to both sides of grandparents. Oh, you can read about last year's celebration here which I think the most happening birthday party ever in my family.

So, this year's celebration will be a private family celebration. He has to share his celebration with his Mak Su, which is my sister-in-law. Adam's is on 9th and the Mak Su's is on 29th.

However, to be fair I asked my sister to help me by buying a cake for him and blow the candle on the beach. My PD's family was having a get away at the Pengkalan Balak's beach during the school holiday. That was on the 7th of June. They rented a few chalets and enjoy the sea under the sun. That cake also Adam has to share with my cousin (a.k.a. Adam's uncle) Iwan who shares the same date of birthday.

So, on 25th of June, me and hubby used our free 1 night stay voucher at Renaissance Hotel in Malacca for parents in law and birthday boy and girl to stay and enjoy the facilities.

Ain and Adam, birthday owners with Malacca river as the background

Adam and Firdaus as usual. 2 buddies with different personalities, enjoy the same wildness.
 We were given a big room at the 18th floor. Though I've been in Malacca for many years, but this is the first time ever I viewed the beautiful scenery. Ok guys...I really think you should go and visit Malacca. It's soo different from at least 5 years back in time. Look at this. You can even see the boat cruising the river all the time.

Ok, let's drop about the view.

We had a formal dinner that night at the Italian restaurant.

Birthday cake was as usual complimentary from the hotel. Everybody pick one menu and we received a big plate of food each. I and my mother in law couldn't finish our food.

When everyone has set place and food arrives, the restaurant's manager called the singer and musician to sing the birthday song.

It's dark eh? Well, I make use of whatever gadget that I have. At least I have the pictures...hehehehe.

Adam spent the evening before that with Firdaus at the pool and they continued the swimming session on the next morning. He fell asleep that nite in the hotel and had to share the bed with Firdaus. Me and hubby went back to our home sweet home.

Happy Birthday sayang. Mama and papa loves you without boundaries. Do remember the sweet memories that we painted together.

8 ulasan:

  1. untungnya jadi adam..mamanya..mentang2 makan restoren western..tibe2..biru mata hitam nora ni..berfeshuh..feshuh..sekejap membaca entri ni..

    apapun ..moga Allah merahmati adam nak menjadi anak yang soleh ya..

  2. Wahh!! seronoknya adam..seleberate birthday dekat best..

    Happy Birthday Dear Adam. Semoga menjadi anak yang baik serta berjasa pada kedua ibu-bapa ye.

  3. Nora: Aminn...hehehhe...akak nie, ibu hujung minggu. Bukan sentiasa ada dengan dia. Bila bersama dengan dia, akan cuba berikan masa yang paling berkualiti... Terima kasih yer Nora

  4. Rahmah : Psstt...(itupun pakai voucher free..hik..hik..) Itu lah rahmah, semoga dia 'nampak' kasih sayang we all...

  5. happy besday Adam...wah meriah sambutan kak...bagus2..semoga Adam jadi anak yang soleh

  6. happy birthday adam ... smoga adam menjadi anak yang soleh tau..amin ;)

  7. Hawa : Alaa..mana ada meriahnya Awa...hubby kan baru keluar hospital..seadanya jer...
