Rabu, 27 Julai 2011

He said : Potong Jer.....


I was not in good condition days before.

This is how exactly I felt (and feel). Even the office floor seems like moving. Doc gave me MC for 2 days since Monday. I stayed in bed whole day. Hubby will have to pick me up every day for dinner.

Maybe due to hectic weekend, jumble up schedule and lack of rest, top up with the hot and dry weather in Malacca, my tonsils got infected. Can see big ulcers at my throat. I can't drink and eat which caused the dehydrations.

Adam said and has been saying many times : Hah..tunggu apa lagi? Potongg jer maa.... Mama suruh Adam potong tonsil, tapi mama sendiri takut nak potong.

YESSS!!! Takuttt... The thoughts were so scary. Adult and children's tonsil removal situations are totally different. It was so awful for adults. I've seen it many times. But children take it more easier.

Sigh...I hope there won't be any more tonsilitis attacks esp during Ramadhan. Aminn...

2 ulasan:

  1. nak gelak pulak. pandai Adam... pandaiiiiiiii. ko tau kan arnie cakap cemana, suara dia jadi mcm tu sebab operate tonsil la

  2. DD : memang weii... kalau org besar nie bnyk sket risiko dia...

