Isnin, 16 Julai 2012

Makan di Kuantan : Fine Dine at East Grill Steakhouse


Yeap, we are still looking at the food places in Kuantan. Well, today will be the last day of SUKMA 2012. Probably the athletes are worn out by now.

Anyhow, hubby brought me to dine at this place last week. He was actually trying to 'bribe' me to stay longer in Kuantan because I was firm to heading back to KL that nite. The 1st time was with my MIL and SIL many months ago. The food was delicious and yes, it's at the prices' standard.

Fine, let's stop the ramblings. You want the food pictures, rite? Here we go....

The menu

The table set-up

Drinks : Soursoup and Chinese Tea

The Butter for the breads..

Cheesy Garlic Bread with plain bun

The Cream of Wild Mushroom Soup with .... ( I can't remember )

Spaghetti with Salmon

7 oz well done Tenderloin Steak

Norwegian Salmon

We ate all those 3 plates, but most of it hubby helped because I was not really feeling well. I forced my Norwegian Salmon down the throat to fill-up my empty stomach before my long drive to KL that nite. Though, the salmon was delicious. It's difficult to explain, but definitely the Norwegian's salmon and the usua; salmon tasted differently.

We love all of the dishes, except that hubby's dish's sauce. He picked teriyaki sauce to explore the combination and too bad it didn't suit our taste. It should goes well with the classic mushroom sauce or blackpepper sauce. However, the steak was marvellous. It's a must try menu.

Owh, I've almost forgot to mention about the Cream of Wild Mushroom Soup. It is super delicious. Not watery at all and definitely not that thick.  It is just nice. You can found the differences of mushroom once you sip in the soup. This is the best ever mushroom soup I've ever had.

Overall, to have a relaxing dinner and for special occasions, this would be a good place in Kuantan if it falls within your budget.

The location is along Jalan Beserah, behind a Maxis centre's in between shop lots. You definitely couldn't find it from the main road. You have to drive in between terrace houses and shop lots. It's quite hidden, furthermore with trees and plants. But, gems are always hidden, right?

You would see the pictures of Pahang's royalties being hanged at the restaurant's wall. It's the king's choice, friends.

Owh...the bribe?

It didn't work.

6 ulasan:

  1. saya tak berapa suka sangat teriyaki sauce..entah manis mcm mana tah.. whild mushroom soup tu sound delicious la kak..teringin!!

  2. nyummi....i like the mushroom soup!!

  3. Akak saya tengok akak makin rajin tulis full entry in English (atau mungkin akak da lama start tp sy x perasan, maafkan saya hehehe) which is awesome hehhe!

    The food looks nice, one day I want to go to a fine-dining restaurant again hehehehe

  4. Suhana : Memang superb..hehehe

    Rai : Indeed. teriyaki sauce tu sangatlah tidak sesuainya. Waiter tu pun macam pelik jer bila hubby order. And that mushroom soup memang worth everything.

    Suhami : Definitely yummy.

    Bro Framestone : Err...berjalan ke Bro..?

    Azham : Hahahha...just a few jer dik. Itupun bila baca semula, my grammar terpelecok sana sini. Nak edit belum sempat lagi... Ini ikut nasihat bakal cikgu English yang dah jadik songwriter tu laa...
