Isnin, 3 Disember 2012

The Car's Destruction


A longggg week last week. A tiring and full of controversy week. The matters are still clogging up my mind up to this second and it will be here forever!

Ok...breath in...breath out... FUHH!

Think positive...negative will makes me older every second...

The car brokedown because of overheating. Hubby didn't notice and never expect that the temperature meter has sky rocketed to the highest reddish danger level. The thermostat at the main hose cracks and emptied the whole cooling liquid supply in the engine.

The outcome? Overheating!

Current status after CSI been done by the expert, total destruction at the engine head and intake manifold. Don't ask about gasket cover. Melted!

So, no choice. We need to utilize the ultimate power of problem solving skills that we have.

And the solution is yet to be found.

6 ulasan:

  1. Hebat.
    Masih boleh faham konsep overheating.
    Kalau wife saya,
    tahu kereta cukup minyak dan jalan sahaja.
    Yang lain2 bukan masalah dia.

  2. zouldahan : TQ doc. Survivor mode. Dok separate dgn hubby, kena tahu everything serba sikit. Kenalah belajar dengan mechanic. Dapat surface knowledge pun jadilah.

  3. hehe....kagum akak tahu pasal sistem enjin kenderaan hehe...saya sendiri tak ambil kisah hehehe..... kena belajar drp akak ni hehe :)

  4. Azham : Bila dah terdesak, memang kita kena ambil tahu kan.
