Khamis, 18 Julai 2013

Man is Scared of Commitment?


I was listening to Mix.Fm this morning. With Sarimah and The Rod online, discussing a serious issue. Is it man or woman who are more afraid of being committed to each other?

It started yesterday regarding a listener shared her story. She is suppossed to get married tomorrow. Yeap, Friday, 19th July 2013. Exactly tomorrow and yesterday, her fiancee cabut lari. He cancelled their wedding at the very last minute. Reason with is he's not ready to tie the knot.

As usual, The Rod will defend all the male in the world. So does Sarimah.

But, since I was young, it was always man whom are not ready to be committed into a cycle so called family. Woman usually is quite reluctant due to their emotions. They thought they are in love with someone else. Or they are not confident that this future husband is capable of loving her until the last breath. No matter who ever breath's is that.

But never that a woman take off from a wedding just because of she is afraid of being in a commitment.

But men..? Yeap.. Even if you tell them that your parents would like a meet up with them, they will give you 1000 excuses. Not all..of course. But MAJORITY of them. These men will continue 'running' until at one point (or age..?) they thought it's time for them to settle down and have babies so that they won't be left alone at Rumah Sri Kenangan or any old folks home. They will not sacrifice their joy days earlier than it should be.


Any other opinions out there?

21 ulasan:

  1. Buat kita yg Islam, back to basic. Marriage is all about commitment..Kat situlah tuhan nak beri banyakkkkk pahala...Pelik kan ramai yg menolak pahala...:)....Kena rajin2 tengok ceramah Ustaz Kazim ni....hihihihih

  2. Or maybe the man not agree tying knot during ramadhan. Rare case nikah during ramadhan right Ziela...

    As to me the men is culprit, after confirmation then ran-away. Poor thing to the girl and family..

  3. Hmmm... men ni, takut nak commit pun satu hal, bila dah commit tak sepenuh hati pulak.. tak tahulah sampai bila diorang nak ready dlm 'sepenuh erti', agaknya sehingga sakaratul maut dtg menjemput pun tak sampai2 lagi readiness tu.. Orang kata ppuan ni susah, tp hakikat lelaki lagiiii susah..

  4. Pity the girl and her familes.
    Man with that kind of attitude should be catch and cut his tuutttt ....being selfish for himself. Didnt think the shame what the girl parent would face

  5. kesian kat pihak perempuan diaibkan..kalau tak bersedia jangan nak bercinta

  6. Daddy Ziyyad : Muslims yang tergelincir kadang2 kala tu lupa apa yang betul dan tidak.

  7. Kakzakie : Err...they are non-muslim, kak..hehehehehe

  8. Yusnida Tajudian : Kak Yuuusss....terima kasih sudi singgah sini yer. Yeap.. on the other way, perempuan pula yang berkorban menggalas commitment.

  9. aby : Trueeee. Cut the tuuut..! Hehehehheehe..

  10. Kalau bujang ke kawin kita tetap ada komitmen. Selagi bergelar khalifah di muka bumi ini. Perkahwinan tu sebagai pelengkap hidup. Kalau anggap ianya suatu bebanan atau komitmen yg sukar takkan lah Allah menyuruh umatnya hidup berpasangan.
    Hurmmm...pnjang lebar pulak membebel.Kering tekak ni nanti ^___^

  11. Assalam, Aziela
    Hmmm, an unfortunate case, indeed! The real reasons behind such a dreadful tragedy could actually be very complex, and we might have very little knowledge about what have actually led to such a sad ending, to be able to say who is actually at fault. Cerita masuk radio = cerita utk 1Malaysia tahu = cerita (untuk) apalah sebenarnya?

  12. dear Aziela,
    men are always men, regardless of which decade they live in..
    susah nak comment, becos we too are living with them,but when we saw, heard and read about what happened around us , being jilted, left ,suffered..geram geram..itu saja boleh cakap.
    remind me of 'enough'a film where JLO played the miserable wife.I know u too suka film tu..rasa puas kan? kena belasah.baru lega..alhamdullilah kita tak di layan mcm tu, or kita pun kena belajar martial arts..then leave him sprawling on the floor..apa mcm boleh?

  13. Salam, why men need to worry abt tying the knot when they can get anything they want as easy as 1,2,3? Esp, for those people who putting religion as the last thing to consider.. Exp: Alvin and Vivian case..

  14. Malu tetap malu, terutama pada kawan-2 dan saudara terdekat. Sbb tu sbgi seorang muslim, kita harus berbalik kpd agama kita Islam yg menganjurkan kita buat solat istikharoh dan solat hajat bila kita nk buat sesuatu keputusan yg besar terutama ttg jodoh.
    Tapi bg Liya lebih baik lelaki tu menarik diri sekarang sebelum semuanya terlambat. Jika putus selepas wedding tu berlangsung lagi sakitkan? tp lelaki tu sangat-2 kejam sebab buat mcm tu pada keluarga perempuan tu. so selfish.

  15. Yeap...I am not ready to get committed yet because I know the burdens a husband must carry once the marriage is on. It is seriously scary because I don't think I am able to provide all of those things to my lawful wife....hurm....

  16. nea lopah : Betul2.... Tak per...kongsi ilmu kan...hehehehe

  17. Temuk : Agree, Pak Temuk. Something hidden probably. We only listened from the bride's side. The groom might have different story, though.

  18. IndaMarya : Hahahahha.. I luvvvvvv Enough. Motivates me each time I feel nowhere down. Hahahahahha

  19. che mid :'s a mystery, right?

  20. Liya : Kesian juga sebab mesti banyak membazir kan.

  21. Azham : Oh..this is different story dik... hehehehehehe
