Jumaat, 19 Julai 2013

Congratulations Raj and Trisha


We were invited to hubby's friend's wedding reception, Raj just a few weeks before Ramadhan.

He works in Kuantan with hubby but his hometown is Malacca. Same with hubby. But his wife, Trisha is from Penang. Raj is an Indian while Trisha is a Punjab. Let me share some pictures of them.

Adam and hubby at the couple picture.

The slide show

Sweet couple

The hall and guests

Among the performances

We were convinced by the groom that the caterer is halal version. And when we saw the waiters and waitresses and I as usual being busybody, asked them several questions, were convinced that the food was halal.

They were 3 -4 tables of Muslim guests there.

The reception was very grand. The MC's are so profesional and the performances are were entertaining. We were served with the Beriyani set. It was a delicious meal. Hubby and Adam dive into the meal excitedly...haahhahahaha.

The Beriyani Rice

The curry and others.

Oh my, I published food pictures today. Apology for this. But I can't share the function story without the food pictures, right..?

Hmm...maybe we can breakfast with beriyani set today?


14 ulasan:

  1. dengar beriyani terus lapar saya kak.. hahaha..

    btw..pasal gastrik teruk akak tu, akak pernah cuba susu kambing segar? dengar kata baik utk gastrik. selain tu yogurt pun bagus sbb probiotik dlm yogurt bantu add balik lining dalam perut yg musnah sebab asid perut. yg saya baca lah :D

  2. yum yum yum....laparnya rasa hehe!

  3. wahh ada nasi beriani.. tahniah buat pengantin..

  4. Even one is indian and the partner punjabi for them no problems as what kakak believes they are Hindu. Same religion - same way to pray.

  5. tak pernah dapat jemputan dari rakan non muslim..mesti bestkan dapat mempelajari budaya orang lain..

    Lovely moments will be lovelier with lovely friends around! Its great that we always hold our wedding celebrations the 1Malaysia way!

  7. As long as you dont streach your hand by pinching mutton from the non halal table is ok. Neway, nice attending event from different culture, right!

  8. TAHNIAH....hidangan nmpk sgt2 sedap.

  9. Tahniah utk pasangan pngntin..
    Dah lama tak makan nasi beriani...

  10. Hello Aziela, I enjoyed looking thru all the pics here. Very nice, well taken shots too.
    I love Malay food, but for some reason or other beriyani not in my preferences, ha ha. Same as sushi.
    My wife says, 'you very lecheh fellow"! Ha ha.

    Wishing the couple all the very best.

  11. Semangat 1Malaysia.. Selamat pengantin baru buat rakan suami Kak Aziela.

  12. Terima kasih semua atas ucapan tu. Memang kami di Melaka selalu jer wedding reception berbilang bangsa nie. Satu komunitilah katakan...hehehehehe

