Khamis, 4 Julai 2013

Meals in hospitals are tasty too...


Malaysian called this Kuay Tiaw Soup.

I had this for breakfast during my 'holiday' in hospital. It's tasty and healthy too. The broth was clear, but it was tasty with all the chicken and vegetables juice. The tau fu pok is my all time favourite.

Fine, you guys might argue that private hospital meals are definitely tastier because of the price we pay, but hey. My relatives and me myself have some experiences being admitted to the government hospitals. Their menu were really like home cook meals. Well, accept for those patients whom with diabetes and blood pressure problem.

Still, if our health is not at par, even the most expensive and delicious meal on the earth will be tasteless.

So, put on your face mask if your area is still in haze.

Pesanan khidmat masyarakat ini adalah daripada blog My Rainbow.


Enjoy the day guys....


9 ulasan:

  1. salam kak,
    nape masuk hospital? semoga cepat sembuh ye kak..

    makanan kat hospital serdang not bad. masa lepas bersalin haritu saya makan beria ria.. ada la slightly tak sedap. ala..sendiri masak pun kadang2 jadi sedap..kadang2 jadi tak sedap apa.. layan je la..syukur dapat makan..hahaha..

  2. Get well soon sis...

    I had bad experience with the Gov Hosp. They serve gulai taucu cencaru di tempat anak-anak kena sakit kuning.

    Bukan ke mak-mak baru lepas bersalin dalam pantang. Mana kena dengan menu tu...

  3. Get well soon sis...

    I had bad experience with the Gov Hosp. They serve gulai taucu cencaru di tempat anak-anak kena sakit kuning.

    Bukan ke mak-mak baru lepas bersalin dalam pantang. Mana kena dengan menu tu...

  4. nmpk menyelerakan...tgk pulak mlm2 nie...aduyai, mencabar selera.

  5. Hi Aziela, why you in hospital? Baby arriving? Hope you okay. And recovered from whatever.
    I have a phobia with hospitals, doctors and nurses....anything to do with injections saya chabut!

    Thats why I never dated a doctor or a nurse.
    Knew a beautiful Malay lady once...then learned she operations theatre nurse....after that date saya buat a David Copperfield, ha ha.

    You one of the very few saya bacha enjoy hospital food. Most associate hospital food with airlines food.
    The last time I ate hospital food was when 12 years old at Malacca GH....I had acute appendicitis, sikit lagi masuk goal! Habis cherita!
    I remember I ta'suka the food, ada one kind of smell. ha ha.

    And what made matters worse, the orang tua next to me, we ate together, next morning, the nurse and doctor covered him with a white sheet. Game over.

    You have a nice day, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.

  6. kesoma rai : Kadang2 bila makan org lain masak, jadi sedap pula yer. Heehehhehe

  7. Qashmere : Tq dik. Hahahahha...akak dulu lepas bersalin, ayam ker, bayam ker, semua telan jer. syukur tak apa2.

  8. NzA : Alahai...akak kalau masak mesti lagii sedap. Ish..membayangkan jer pun dah kecur.

  9. Uncle Lee : Lee, you wrote a few lines, but I keep on laughing every time I read your comments. Hahahha...which tricks of David Copperfield's that you did? The one at the Golden Triangle kah? But Malacca's GH, I have to agree with you. Malacca GH is totally out in every aspect. The facilities, the nurses, the foods, the attendants and even security guards. They forgot who pay them! Owh...thank you for stopping by, Lee.

    P/S : My baby factory has been closed longgg time ago..hahahahahha
