Khamis, 19 September 2013

TEGAR Will Be Here In Malaysia


Remember my posting about this kid singer from Indonesia named TEGAR few months ago? If any of you haven't read it, please CLICK HERE.

Well, he's coming to Malaysia. Or, maybe he's already here today. For tomorrow's morning, he has a session in ERA radio station with JOHARA Pagi Era segment.

And from what I know, he has a tight schedule in promoting his product and talent in Malaysia. Our children has been fanatically singing his songs now and then. Malaysian children as young as 3 years old are capable of singing Tegar's Aku Yang Dulu Bukan Yang Sekarang song perfectly everywhere. So I guess, if Tegar is planning to have a concert or showcase, the tickets might be selling fast.

That is fine.

But I hope, while our children are happily singing and enjoying the song, it will be good for us the parents to give them the lessons behind the songs. How Tegar with a very limited resources need to survive and fight just to put some food on the table at home and how our children could happily request for high end latest technology gadget without slightest worry about not having food in any time of their life ever or not to worry about being left out in education.

It's the lesson that counts.


15 ulasan:

  1. Is fated that Tegar met someone who can brought him to this line and caused him famous and brighter life... Great Allah created all these...

  2. yes, ade pengajaran dalam lagu tu

    wina baru² nie dengar lagu nie..hubby tunjuk :)

  3. aiseyman....akak baru nak google apa tegar tu? hehehe

  4. kakain pun ada dengar lagu nii..anak yang kecik tu suka sangat...

  5. oh tak sangka dia datang malaysia..
    betul, ada pengajaran..tapi kanak2 sekarang semua dapat apa nak..

  6. ala..nak tengok gambar dia sekarang.. hehehe..

  7. Yes, saya igt lagi entry pasal Tegar ni....Insya Allah will try listening to ERA

  8. oh ye ke kak...anak2 lieya suke gile lagu tegar laa muzik n lirik pun catchy kan.....

  9. I ni old fashion.tak tau penyanyi2 baru.Yg I tau Sh Aini, Kartina dahari, Rafeah BUang...he he.mak tok mana kenal new artist ni..nanti nak dengar.mesti best ni .the way you cerita .

  10. ada budak sabah ni sanggup ke indonesia semata-mata nk jumpa Tegar siap wujudkan FC Tegar khas utk fans Malaysia. Tegar pun layan diorang dgn baik, bila Tegar datang Msia dia sanggup turun ke KL dari sabah tu..dasyat tul penangan Tegar ni.lagu Tegar mmg best.

  11. siapa sangka kan.. si miskin jadi si kaya now. rezeki ajal maut semua ALLAH pegang.

  12. Oh I thought TEGAR is something like penagih tegar or pencuri tegar. hahaha

  13. ensom pulak budak tegar ni bila dh bergaya...maklumlah skrg duit dh brkepuk2...dulu comot je cz jadi anak jalanan.......

  14. Hello Aziela, this 'Tegar' I not be knowing....
    But tu Justin Beiber saya tau. I actually don't like him!
    Never listen to his songs too.
    Glad to read kids where you are are singing his songs.
    Long ago was that fellow Michael Jackson.
    My time? Elvis, ha ha ha.
    Anyway, have fun, and keep a song in your heart.
