Isnin, 11 November 2013

Update Ba : 11 November 2013


To put up an update here is for my future record. I would like to apologize to all of you for this continuous story about my Ba.

However, over the previous weekend, Ba has been put to sleep by the hospital.

- They changed the oxygen mask to the oxygen tube for the oxygen through mask's capacity was not enough to support his needs. This tube is functioning as the oxygen supplier direct to the lungs and also for the doctors and nurses to do suction.

- They ran a CT Scan procedure last Friday to detect any abnormalities in the body. Everything seems fine. The only dangerous threat is the infections in Ba's lung is very severe. But why did they put him to sleep from Friday until today? Though the sleeping medications has been reduced, but they continue it still. Is it some sort of painkillers? I didn't have any chance to meet the doctors, and the nurses are not helping at all.

- The blue bag on the right side contains nutrition for Ba since he is unable to eat and drink orally. It has been 3 weeks now that he has been given it.

- Ba is so skinny. Sob..sob. Can see his bones everywhere now.

- Look at his fingers. They are swelling. Sob..sob...

- Look at his arms and hand. They bandage it. Remember I mentioned about blood flows out from under his skin?

Oh...oh.... we do have certain unsatisfactory though. Not to the doctors, not to the hospitals, but for the nurses. Oh my, are they really sincere in doing their jobs? I mean, these certain nurses are so mean! Only a few...the rest are super nice.

1.) Mommy happens to watch one of them clean up Ba's stoma. Ba has a serious lung infection, so no infectious conditions should be tolerated. But this nurse, clean up Ba's stoma using a small wet towel from beginning to the end, without rinsing the towel a few times or with other solutions, or with a new clean towel. The same towel which has been covered with blood, etc has been wiped onto Ba's skin right to the end.
So, Mommy asked a doctor and the doctor apologized. But doctor said, he can't say much for that. Does that mean, doctors are not in-charge when confronting the nurses?

2.) Ba is wearing a special long white socks with open toes to help the blood circulation at the legs since he has not moving much. However, while they were trying to insert the IV's line at Ba's feet, or maybe while they were taking Ba's blood, the blood stained the white socks. At first Mommy kept the thought within herself, but on the 3rd day, Mommy start to ask. The sock is dirty. Stained with blood. And Ba is seriously need to be in a very hygiene situation. Why the nurses left it there. Owh, the nurse answered arrogantly :

" Makcik, kat sini tak ada clorox. Kalau nak bersih, makcik bawaklah balik, cuci sendiri".

Well, first, should you use that tone to a makcik?
Secondly, why at the first place, you didn't mention about us clean it up ourself?
Thirdly, where is your dedication to maintain a hygiene condition for the patient?

Mommy has been patiently answered : " Tak apa. Bagilah. 10 pun makcik boleh cuci. "

But, this also Mommy told the doctor. And, maybe the doctor did 'talk' to the nurse. And the next day, these two nurses from two situations came and met Mommy. Again, with samseng style they said :

" Makcik ni siapa yer? Makcik terasa ke? Kitorang cakap elok2 kan?"

Wahhhhhh!!!!! That way aaa talking to a patient's relative. I mean, you are in ICU men. Come on!!

Another incident happened yesterday, Sunday. My brother in law noticed a medication given to Ba through one of the tubes from the machine oh his left was dripping! The medicine was leaking!!!! That means Ba has not receive a proper dose of medication. Damn! And when my brother in law informed the nurse, she gave him a super sour face. Oh my...!!! They seriously need to attend a 3 series of customer service training plus one special weekend for Khemah Ibadah strictly to teach them on how to be sincere in doing their job.

Ok, I have been collecting these points. If it continues, I may need to write a formal complaint. One to be given to the Hospital's Director and another copy to be given to the Ministry of Health.

We hope, they could improve these mistakes. If they let Ba died because of their ignorance, they should be prepared to whatever we might do later on. for revenge. But to teach them a lesson that one's life is super precious to his family. So that other patients will receive the best service as if patients are the nurses' dad and moms.

Owh...I have been drifted. Please pardon me, friends.


14 ulasan:

  1. ya allah...saya baru perasan pasal Ba akak.. semoga Ba cepat sembuh.

    pasal nurses tuh, rasanya itu yang jadi bila diorang keje hanya sebab keje, dan bukan sebab passion dan minat. saya selalu juga jumpa nurse yang sangat baik dan menyenangkan hati, at least cakap elok-elok kalau itu bukan kerja diorang pun. that way, half the pain/sadness might as well gone.


  2. maaf kak...

    innalillahiwainailahirojiun... i missed one point dalam entry tadi...


  3. @gadisBunga™ first of all, GB. Ba masih stabil. Alhamdulillah. Doctors kata kritikal tapi stabil. Entah macam mana la maksud dia kan. Semoga Ba segera sedar, buka mata dan kembali berusaha untuk pulih.

    Secondly, yeap. Ada ramai nurses yang baik. In fact family akak pun ramai nurses. My mother pun nurse. So, boleh kenal nurse mana yang nak ikhlas kerja atau yang terpaksa kerja...

    Thank you atas doa GB yer..

  4. Ujian berganda ni Ziela. Kakak rasa baik take action before the worse happen to Ba. Lagi membimbangkan kalau kita tak ada entah macamana these nurse treat Ba. Kesianlah...

    Dah banyak komplen tapi still happen and happen kisah nurse macam ini.

  5. salam sis
    Lawatan ta di iringi dgn doa.buat ba.

  6. aduyai sentap sungguh bila dilayan dgn bahasa yg agak kasar camtu....brtmbah penat kita rasa.

  7. kak, when you said, "Ba has been put to sleep by the hospital" I thought he was gone. And wondering, are we allowed to do so? I mean putting someone to sleep?

    no wonder gB thought the same too.

  8. rambut pun skrg dah tak sama hitam, Ziela.. apa lagi hati.. kasihan dengan keadaan ba, kesian juga dgn mommy.. semoga dikuatkan semangat mommy.. betul kata Kak Zakie, itu yg depan kita, kalau blkg kita mcmmn pulak plakuan diorg.. sabar ajelah..

  9. bukan nak ckp kak...lieya yg keje kkm ni pun prefer pi private....dah kene dah mase bersalin hospital kerajaan...kene mention kite keje kkm baru nak layan baik2...hope akak sabar yeak kak....kalo akak kene lagi mcm tu akak gertak jek nak sound ngan ibu pej kkm bhgn aduan....dieorg ni ntah nape susah no nak keje dgn ikhlas....

  10. Kak Aziela..
    Mintak maaf lewat singgah sini sebab saya agak sibuk kebelakangan ni..
    Moga Ba akak cepat sembuh hendakNYA.. dan moga nurse2 tersebut sedar dengan sikap mereka yang kurang sopan tu.
    Kalau diambil tindakan, teruk mereka kena, itupun kalau pihak atasan dorang memandang serius masalah tersebut.

  11. Induced coma selalunya utk bagi patient lebih relax...kurang rasa sakitnya...ini yg saya belajar masa posting anaesthesiology dulu...apa apa pun, u better ask the doc in charge...Berdoa yg terbaik buat your Ba

  12. Zaman sekarang.
    Ramai orang tak sedar.
    Kerja itu bukan sekadar tanggungjawab.
    Kerja itu bukan sekadar ambik gaji.
    Kerja itu sepatutnya satu ibadah.
    Yang akan dihitung diakhirat kelak.

    Bukan sekadar nurse sahaja.
    Kat mana2 pun ada juga species camtu.

    Komplen sampai kemana sekalipun,
    species ni takkan berubah.
    Dulu masa wife saya nak delivered anak sulung,
    ada nurse bahasakan wife saya.
    " Saya tak kira suami awak doktor ke apa,
    bukan kerja saya nak panggil suami awak..."
    Saya ingat lagi nurse tu.
    Bila saya jadi MO kat wad dia,
    'sangat' baik dia dengan saya.

    Tabahkan hati Aziela.
    Saya turut merasakannya.

  13. Salam Aziela
    Makchaq doakan Ba Aziela cepat sembuh/diringankan beban sakitnya...

    Sedih tengok orang sakit.. sebab kita tak tau macammana nak tolong...

    Selalunya nurse2 sekarang dah baik2, mungkin depa ni golongan terpencil..

  14. Terkejut baca pendedahan akak kat sini....tak sangka ada juga juru rawat yg x ikhlas menjalankan kerja....semoga Allah bagi mereka kesedaran ....
