Rabu, 5 Februari 2014

Our CNY This Year Is Not As Festive As Before......


No pictures this entry. No pictures for CNY entry this year as well....

I don't have a good feeling to celebrate CNY this year. Ba is not even 100 days yet leaving us. The memory of Ba is still here. Everytime CNY, Ba will be the liveliest person in the family. Though Mommy is the Chinese one, but Ba loves Mommy's family as much as he loves all of us.

So, we started quite late this year. Usually as early as 10.00 am we will surely be at Uncle Ah Huat's house, but this year, it's late afternoon. Besides, it's Friday..so after Friday prayer we went to Auntie Nyaros' house. Stay there for a while and chat with Danny's new bride. Then, meet Ah Teng after several years didn't meet her. Her daughter is 3 years old already with a beautiful face just like the mother.

After that, we went to Kuala Sungai Baru and visited Grandpa Ah Heng with Grandma Em Chi. Grandpa was so sad. Both of them keep on talking about Ba. Mommy's siblings also keep on talking about Ba. Reminiscing the moments when Ba was still around.

Usually Ba will always be the 'keypochi' one. 1 miles before entering any house, he will shout , "Auntie, Uncle...Happy New Year..!!!" And everybody will smile broadly and start talking just like in a pasar.

But this year, it's all very quiet. The other grandma with a gold teeth in which we discreetly call her "Nenek Sumbi' was the saddest ever. She loves Ba dearie. She is old and not able to walk properly anymore, thus she didn't attend Ba's last day at home. We came, and she started asking questions. Her children and grandchildren all sat quietly listening to our narrative story about Ba's condition.

And she keeps on saying "Siannn dia. Baiikkk orangnya. Siannnn dia..."

And I cried silently. Tears started to flow down my cheeks and I can feel a big lump choking my throat.

Well.... that was it. Things are not the same without him anymore....


21 ulasan:

  1. Semoga roh arwah Ba dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang beriman..

    Sedih makchaq baca.....
    teringat kat arwah abah makchaq.. lepas dia meninggal banyak kali kawan2 surau dia mai rumah nak ajak ke mana2. Depa boleh terlupa yang dia dah meninggal.. sebab arwah abah pun seorang yang sangat ceria tambah pulak dia meninggal mengejut....

  2. salam sis....

    Kehidupan harus di teruskan...
    walau apa jua yang melanda...
    dugaan yang datang tak sama pada semua...

    Kuatkan semnagat dan kuatkan iman di hati...
    sama-sama kita berdoa...

  3. Takziah, hope you get over it with redha and doas. Take care

  4. Kak, ni kalau buat entry macam ni kat blog daddyziyyad, mesti ramai annon yang datang mengkomen. Hahaha.

  5. Ba will be fine up there. He is placed at a better place now, where all of us belongs to someday. Berkat doa anak-anak dan isteri tercinta, he is the happiest and luckiest and most blessed. I feel you too... don't be sad k ... love, vel.

  6. sob sob...sedih hati baca ni. Sedih bila ditinggalkan...dan tak boleh jumpa lagi masa kat dunia ni...

    akak lama tak ziarah sedara2 masa CNY, ramai yg dah pergi juga, termasuk kawan masa kecik dulu...
    CNY mmg penuh kenangan...

    boleh bayangkan cerianya Ba bila "Auntie, Uncle...Happy New Year..!!!"

    seronok kan bila pelbagai bangsa bersatu dalam satu keluarga...

  7. Sorry kak saya gelak. Never meant to be rude in the sad entry. Sorry banyak-banyak.

  8. kehilangan makin terasa bila kita meraikan sesuatu....Moga keluarga aziela tabah....

  9. @t.a.t.aKalau kat situ...isu yang biasa pun jadi kontroversi kan...hihihihi...Anon dia ganazz

  10. @Velarie Nozie Vel....tq so much for dropping by.... Tq for the support....

  11. @Queenie Yer la kak Q.. ooo...kak Q pun sama yer.... best kannn

  12. @t.a.t.a Eh...takper...this entry wasn't meant to be sad...it just flows out naturally....

  13. @NzA Saya tak dapat bayangkan Raya nanti mcm mana

  14. Kenangan itu akan sentiasa terpahat di hati. Moga Ba tenang di sana ditemani doa dari semua..

