Isnin, 17 Mac 2014

Seadanya saja Toku Zen ni... (The modest Toku Zen)


Dah lama tak cerita pasal makan2. Mood pun melayang.... Oh, kita ada shawl yang best nak dikongsikan dengan semua pembaca. Nantilah cerita yer.... Isnin ni semuanya lemau, so kena boost up dengan makanan sikit.

Salah satu hujung minggu yang lepas, hubby ada kursus. Maka kita merayau2 seorang diri di Kuantan. Salah satu persinggahan ialah Berjaya Mall. Ada nak beli barang sikit dan nak shopping buku di Popular. Keluar dari Popular, memang dah waktu makan. Malas nak bersesak kat tempat lain. Nampak restoran Toku Zen ni. Customer tak ramai. So, boleh makan santai2 sambil membaca kat situ. Kita memang sukaaaa membaca kalau makan sorang2.

 Inilah buku menunya. Kecik jer...tapi boleh lah.....

Malas nak pilih2. Makan Bento set salmon jer. Ada sayur, ada ikan, ada nasi, ada desert, ada sup. Complete set. Boleh lah....

Salmon dia ok2 jer. Agak kering, tapi tak adalah sampai tak ada rasa. Sayur dia...aduhaiiii...kering kecut layu. Yang betul2 ok, daun salad 2 keping dengan hirisan timun 3 keping tu jer. Tak nak membazir, telan jer. Lagipun sayur penting untuk kesihatan. Miso sup, sangatttt masin. Buat basahkan nasi boleh la... Chawanmushi pun tak berapa outstanding. Bolehlahhh kalau nak makan....

Komplin itu ini, begitu begini pun, Alhamdulillah mengenyangkan juga. Cuma, kalau nak value for money, kita akan pilih Sushi King kot....

English Version

While hubby was attending a training few weeks ago, I took my own sweet time touring around Kuantan. One of the stops was Berjaya Mall. I was looking for some necessities and some books as well. The moment I stepped out from the bookstore, it was lunch hour. I am not comfortable being in a crowded place, thus I scanned the mall and saw this Toku Zen, a Japanese restaurant. I have never eaten here, so this might be a good chance for me to explore. There were a lot of empty space in the restaurant.  A good place for me to eat my lunch slowly and enjoy my books there.

I requested a bento set. Nothing extravaganza. A simple meal set with grilled salmon, a bowl of rice, a bowl of salad, miso soup and chawanmushi. 

The salmon was a bit dry, but it was till acceptable. The salad...sooo dried up. The only fresh vegies were the 2 slices of lettuce and 3 slices of cucumber. I kept on telling myself to finish it otherwise it's going to be waste. Plus, vegies are good for our health. The miso soup broth was salty and the chawanmushi was moderate. 

I managed to finished the meal..slowly and hardly. Alhamdulillah, at least I got food to eat. But for value, I would go for Sushi King next time....


20 ulasan:

  1. So overall makanan dia...bolehlaaa...heheh

  2. Well, same here. I never loved a crowded places. And with the new books recently purchased, a not crowded place definitely a chosen one!

  3. Mungkin sebab akak makan sensorang tu yang rasa lain.. ;)

  4. pandai awak mkn mknn jepun. saya blm penah lagi..

  5. Kalau tak kerana dah bayar tak habis agaknya Ziela..

  6. ula.. la.. boleh bayangkan membaca secara bersantai...

  7. saya tak penah makan sushi king.. tapi ramai kawan kata sushi king tak berapa nak japanese food.. kalau akak kata ni lagi teruk dari sushi king..tak tau la nak kata apa.. hehehe..

  8. Hi Aziela, can see you live to eat, ha ha. Believe it or not, I'm not a fan of Japanese food, even when in Japan on business I would chari KFC or McDonalds, or Western food...

    However, I do know from long ago trips to Kuantan, you got great seafood there. But I'm not for fancy restaurants....prefer duduak tepi laut at Telok Chempedak makan soto ayam, rojak, ayam goreng, whatever, same time watching the scenes around me, best.

    Re MAS missing plane, first time in 26 years, buka TV or radio, hari2 hear or see "Malaysia".
    Very sad sampai sekarang no trace of the plane.
    More sad for the waiting, anxious families.

  9. Hehe..sama macam ummi, bila suami berkursus, jika berpeluang memang nak tumpang sekaki kan. Lepas tu pandai-pandailah kita cari makan sendiri kan, hihi.

    ps:Ziela duk PD ye, cantiklah view kat Avillion Admiral Cove tu, tapi tak puas lagi jalan-jalan pantai PD, insyaAllah nanti nak pergi lagi.

  10. @Rai Ourkizuna Ha, tauuuu takper. Sushi King pun akak boleh terima lagi tau...

  11. @Shane Hahaha..Lee. Don't think like that laa.... I only like to blog about food here. Many responses you know. If I blog about other things, nobody will read. I definitely cannot write like you, give me some face la... hahahahaha

  12. @ummiross Betulllll. Cantik kan kak...saya yang duduk dekat nie pun suka...
